Eating like an animal....


New member
On my second week of Sustanon (sust) cycle.Gained 5 lbs.Eating about every 2-3 hours.I eat and then im starvin.. My question is what is the latest I should eat.I would figure late is good to gain some weight.I lift at about 7pm im done at like 8:30 chillout for a half an hou and then stuff my face with chicken or steak and some veggies....Think this is too late???
It all depends on what your goals are. If Iam trying to bulk I eat every 3 hours all the way up to 10 min before I go to bed. I also do the same if Iam cutting, instead I cut out most of my carbs & sugars.
In order to grow you need to eat, you will hold water from taking sustenon. Just go high on protein late at night and watch the carbs.
Yeah ive heard about the whole water retention thing... Icut salt completely out....I try to eat stuff with real low sodium..
Basically, i can answer form experience. If yu are trying to fill out then eat anytime even if it is 1:00 AM at wendys. Here is the word of caution, if you eat evryting and junk food you will put fat on your stomach that will be there after your cycle and you will not be happy with it just my 2cents. Eat good but clean as well....
Mangia bro. Just remember that sleep is when your body is at it's healing optimum. 10pm to 2am is physical healing and 2am to 6am is neurological healing. Too much digestion interferes with healing which we all know is when your muscles repair. I have been told this time and again by docs that if your body is busy digesting, it can't allot all of it's attention to healing. Fine line between getting in enough and getting in too much.
i went from 150 to 195 in six weeks. i ate every two to three hours even if i wasn't hungry. i would eat eggs, chicken, tuna , steak, wheat bread, salads, turkey, cheese , drink lots of milk, protein shakes, etc. if your trying to bulk, from my exp. eat atleast six times a day, clean food and aim for 40-60g of protein per meal, around 4500-5500cals daily, and 200-400 carbs. i really didn't watch my carbs too much, like i said i was skinny. now i got people telling me that i look huge. i'm up to 207 right now in the middle of my second cycle and honestly, my diet is slacking. to answer your question, i usually eat right up untill bedtime, but if your worried about fat, then just cut the carbs. have a low carb shake or something. i prefer tuna and a peice of fruit, maybe a cup of milk or something to help you sleep. also, i try to get atleast 2 meals in after my workout. just get alot of cals and protein, rest and train hard. you will see results.
Dont neglect the carbs post workout, even if it is later in the day..they are a MUST!!
I always eat right up until bed, just keep it lower carb and more protein and healthy fats if your worried about fat gain.
If you're training at 7pm, then you totally have to eat a good meal post workout. I finish roughly the same time and I have a protein shake with both protein and carbs immediately after I train and then I eat again in about an hour. That meal is usually protein and vegetables. Or I'll reverse it and eat a big meal when I get home from the gym and have the protein shake before bed.
Eat man eat! :D