ED and depression 5 months after pct (with bloods)


New member
hi, i'm 26yo i've finished my pct the 1st september, cycle was 8 weeks:
test prop 150mg eod
hcg 500iu twice a week till few days before pct
t3 (ramped up)50mcg till week 7
asin 12.5 eod week 3 to 5
then switched to adex .25 eod, last week .5 eod till pct.
First 2 months were "ok" as usual, now it's 3 months that i'm experiencing low estrogen sides: achy knees and elbows, depression, anxiety, back acne, severe lethargy, NO libido and ed (cialis not working, viagra works just a little).
it's a fucking pain everyday.

my bloods (in italian lol) done few days ago, first thing in the morning on empty stomach:
ALBUMINA 4.79 g/dl 3.6 - 5.5
17 BETA ESTRADIOLO 12 pg/ml 11 - 44
testosterone TOTALE 18.57 nmol/l 1.63 - 34.00
PROTEINE TOTALI 7.63 g/dl 6.40 - 8.30
S.H.B.G.^^ 35.1 nmol/l 13.0 - 71.0
FT3 3.11 pg/ml 1.7 - 3.7
FT4 1.02 ng/dl 0.70 - 1.48
TSH 5.657 microUI/ml * 0.350 - 4.940

i've crashed my estrogen (natty around 30) and my total testosterone is lower than usual (>25), ironically i've used t3 for the first time and my t3 and tsh are better than before (tsh around 6.5, t3 2.7) .
now i have on hand just 20ml of test p and 5000iu of hcg and i'm considering to use them at trt dose to feel better.
do you think is it a good idea? or the problem is not here?
In the spirit of keeping it simple, if it were me, I would run a clomid pct again. 50mg for a couple days then 25mg for 4 more weeks. I cut my 50s in half and it's plenty for me. On clomid 25mg per day my own testosterone production went to 890. That's up from a pre cycle # of 575. That was my first cycle. Don't really know what to tell you......thats all I got.
Good luck bro