Egg whites sold by the JUG


New member
Coleman uses this in his video:

it's egg whites seperated from the yolk scrambled up and stored into a jug. Just pour and cook. Fast way for protein. And they dont go rotten like regular eggs, once opened they have a 3 month shelf life.
They are a total ripoff, buy regular eggs eat the whole egg the yolks give the egg all of its flavor and much of its nutrients. Eggs are cheap less than $2 a dozen in some stores.
$1.19/dozen here at local Winn-Dixie for the larges. they are easy to seperate the whites from the yolk, i personally do an omelette like this: 2 whole egg, 3 egg whites...
4 bottles per case @ 64 oz. (80 eggs) $20.95 per bottle or $83.80 total including shipping.

4 bottles per case @ 128 oz. (164 eggs) $37.91 per bottle or $151.64 total including shipping.

I'd say it's worth it because of the major convieience. They're already seperated and you can bring them to work with you and they don't spoil easily.
MAN O MAN, if u seriously buy those that is a total RIP OFF. serious. i get my egg whites in 2 liter cartons, comes 6 in a box and only costs me 32 bucks CDN. there is approx. 60 eggs in a carton so that would be 360 eggs for $32 cdn. For those ones that is a rip