empty capsules customs help


New member
im not sure to which forum this belongs but beacuse it has something to do with homebrewing so i thought ill post this here...

i orderd 1000 capsules from bodybuilding.com and the package got stopped at customs (i orderd it + some vitamins and stuff like that)

i dont know if its legal to import to where im from and i just got a message from the health department questioning what is the purpose of this order ?
i have to make up something to tell them for the shipment to come through.

maybe somebody had this problem before and knows a way to sort this out ,
I will appreciate any good ideas...

thx guys.
Thats lame if they have them, you could be making ur own creatine tabs or herbs....move to the UK steroids are legal here :D
Or you have bought some Horse-Glucosamin and want to capsule it for easier measurement...

(Dont know if its called Glucosamin in english though)
obviously it is legal to import capsules.. now i would give them a convincent excuse, it's always better.
You have a load of stuff... you can say you have multivitamins in powder and want to caps it, etc...
health department didnt authorise the shipment becuz of the capsules...
they called me and told me two things (one is somewhat understandable and the other is extremly stupid) :
1. u need to have a permit to fill capsules (no matter what youre putting in it)
2. there is a chance that the capsules are contaminated with "msb" virus or something like that which is the mad cow disease.
when they told me the 2nd one i started laughing at their stupidity...

they also told me that maybe i will be questiond at the police department (they told me their chacking the legality of the matter)...
im not worried cuz i know its bullshit...

well eitherway i already know how to make suspensions & soultions of the stuff i want to make so its all good.