Empty stomach cardio


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3J (or anyone)
3J recommends empty stomach cardio and keeping heart rate under 130 well for the last year or so I have been doing that and have seen some pretty incredible results. Well this whole time vie been using the treadmil/bikel heart rate monitor. I always assumed it was off but didn't realize how much. For the last two weeks vie been using a polar heart rate monitor and watch and watching my heart rate religiously throughout the day. I know my fitness level has gone thru the roof but now my heart tart on my empty stomach cardio never gets above 106. I do the maximum incline at 4.1-4.3 mph. Anything faster would be a jog. Do I start jogging to try and raise my heart rate? Or is 106 sufficient? I could also do the stepper which would raise it but at one time 3J thought that might be a bad idea on empty stomach. Thoughts?
3J (or anyone)
3J recommends empty stomach cardio and keeping heart rate under 130 well for the last year or so I have been doing that and have seen some pretty incredible results. Well this whole time vie been using the treadmil/bikel heart rate monitor. I always assumed it was off but didn't realize how much. For the last two weeks vie been using a polar heart rate monitor and watch and watching my heart rate religiously throughout the day. I know my fitness level has gone thru the roof but now my heart tart on my empty stomach cardio never gets above 106. I do the maximum incline at 4.1-4.3 mph. Anything faster would be a jog. Do I start jogging to try and raise my heart rate? Or is 106 sufficient? I could also do the stepper which would raise it but at one time 3J thought that might be a bad idea on empty stomach. Thoughts?

Low intensity cardio targets fat specifically. HIIT tends to burn glycogen and muscle hence the reason he suggests not to do this on an empty stomach. However HIIT is shown to keep your metabolism revving higher for longer during the day. As you progress it will be harder to keep your HR up as your cardiovascular health improves.

Why not try HIIT for a while and take some glutamine before hand to stave off catabolism?