Enan vs Prop


New member

well i belive i've read all the "newb" articles and posts there are, so hopefully this will be 80% dummy free. Unfortunately as a natural idiot the remaining 30% is simply unavoidable.

My basic question is on the use of Prop Vs Enan in a 1st cycle.

I have this planned:

Wks 1-8 450mg Test Prop
Wks 1-8 300iu HCG every 3-4 days

Wks 10-12 40mg Nolva
Wks 12-14 20mg Nolva
Wks 10-14 some trib

Its my 1st cycle and I want to use Prop basically because of the shorter detection times, however if you guys were to tell me that Enan was just SO much more effective in that cycle then I could perhaps work around it but it would be a LOT more hassle. Im not particularly botherd about shooting 2wice weekly...

Any other tips (particularly on PCT) would also be very welcome.

if you can handle the every other day injections and if prop doesn't hurt you (which you won't find out until you shoot it) then it's a good cycle... you should be shooting 100mg every other day

pct should be clomid or nolva dex

if using prop you start post cycle therapy (pct) about 3 or 4 days after your last shot and you run it for 4 weeks

weeks 1-2 post cycle therapy (pct)
nolva 40 mg every day or clomid 100mg ed

weeks 3-4 post cycle therapy (pct)
nolva 20mg ed or clomid 50mg ed
I think alot of people suggest the Prop being a good choice for a first cycle because of the short acting nature of the prop ester. If you have any adverse sides the Steroid would be out of your system shortly as opposed to the long acting Enathate which would be active I think about 14-24 days or so.
I prefer Enathate over prop becuase unlike some users I tend to hold more water with the prop than the Enathate. Enathate is also better for keeping the test levels more even.
Nothing at all wrong with that cycle if you don't mind being a pin cushion your first time around. I prefer clomid post-cycle, but you should be fine with the nolva. I wouldn't bother with the tribulus, as I think it's a waste of money.
Get some grapeseed oil to cut the prop with just in case it hurts. otherwise youll be sore your whole cycle.
I have many friends who all took cyp/sust/enan. Once they all tried prop, there was no turning back. I love the kick I get from prop and fortuantely I have a good UG source who makes it pretty much pain free. Can shoot 2cc at a time with little discomfort.

I will never use any other test then prop, maybe some Sustanon (sust) or omnas if the price is right, but for me prop is #1

estray said:
Get some grapeseed oil to cut the prop with just in case it hurts. otherwise youll be sore your whole cycle.
not really.as far as sorness- it depends on the manufacturer, and your disposition to the prop ester. like viromones or farmak are smooth as silk. good luck and you are asking the right stuff. just make sure to read through the replies you get and sort out the ones that give crap advice.
thanks to all for the replies

from what i can see i need to adjust post cycle therapy (pct) times so the 1st Nolva day is 4 days after the last shot then just hope i dont have pain issues with the Prop!

I believe the gear is coming from a UG lab, i have a couple of friends that have used other stuff of theirs and none have had anything but positive things to say about it.

I will no doubt be back with experiences of the 1st cycle !
Hmm what is this thread about again? I'm mesmerized by the bouncing boobies in Warchild and Champ's avatars. Then I scroll up to Carolina's avatar and am completely repulsed!
Champ said:
I have many friends who all took cyp/sust/enan. Once they all tried prop, there was no turning back. I love the kick I get from prop and fortuantely I have a good UG source who makes it pretty much pain free. Can shoot 2cc at a time with little discomfort.

I will never use any other test then prop, maybe some sust or omnas if the price is right, but for me prop is #1


hey champ, what brand of prop you run?

With the HCG, I understand its a powder...

are there any links anyone could direct me to, to help me understand:

1) the weight/measure strength aspect, i believe it comes in 2500iu and 5000iu powder forms. Is it usually supplied by UG labs already mixed with water?

2) I also dont particularly understand the unit of measurement here

3) whether i can mix it with the prop (im thinking water+oil = no? )

anything else i need to know.

Thanks again, knowlege and help is much appreciated.
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NXG+ said:
With the HCG, I understand its a powder...

are there any links anyone could direct me to, to help me understand:

1) the weight/measure strength aspect, i believe it comes in 2500iu and 5000iu powder forms. Is it usually supplied by UG labs already mixed with water?

2) I also dont particularly understand the unit of measurement here

3) whether i can mix it with the prop (im thinking water+oil = no? )

anything else i need to know.

Thanks again, knowlege and help is much appreciated.

I've seen it in 1500, 2000, 5000, and 10000 iu form. It will not come pre-mixed, instead it will usually come with 1ml of solvent, which you will have to mix with the powder when you're ready to use it. Refrigerate after mixing.

I would buy some insulin pins for the hcg. For instance, if you have a 1cc insulin pin which holds 100 units, 2000 iu of hcg mixed in 1ml of solvent, and wanted to use 500 iu at a time, that would be 25 units or a quarter of the insulin pin (just an example).

I would inject the hcg subcutaneously (belly or visceral area).