enantat OR deca OR eq???


New member
Hi, what first cykle?
me: 27 years
12% BF
(Benchpress 350 lbs )
training since 4 years -> gained 55lbs "all natural".

Please speak only if u are really expirienced and know the stuff or know from someone in REAL life, and not if u are youg and only read something in a forum. (I would like to hear opinions from the older members like stone(c)oldNTO or other)

I am not sure : ENANTAT (i thought 250mg/every 5 day,16 week) .
Is it really so bad to hair or is that only much talk. My pa/ Grandpa still have their hair, I also have full hair, but i have corners (hope its the right word in english) witch shouldn´t grow. Is Enantat a good choice for me? my Money says Yes.

or DECA (i thought 400mg/w, 12w).
Everywhere stands Deca is NumberOne IN Advantages/risk, but also everybody speeks ov an extrem shutdown(crash), cause of Progestorone. Is it really so extrem? What about the resulting weightloss.(OR should i take last weeks a shortacting ester)
Please speake of ur expeience! and not of something u heard!
Is it possible to restore endogen Test.production to 100%?(e.g. with clomid). Should i give a try? (and, when it really shuts down system at low doses, i think due to my bodywheight and with the aim to gain i should take 400.)
Or is a Stack Enant/Deca better(250/w,16w/200w,12w), I thought for beginning one Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is enough (to leave my chances for future)

or EQ (400mg/w, 16w) for beginning?

I want some mass, dont need more strengh, i have enough belive me :).

So i`d like to hear from expirienced, somewhat older and heavier bb´s.

THanks and greetings from Germany ( excuse my bad english) HUB
Welcome to Steroidology bro !!

Here is what I would suggest you do;

Test Enanthate - 250 mg every 4 days, that will give you 437 mg/week. Run that for 8-10 weeks, followed by Clomid therapy starting 2 weeks after your last.

Providing your diet and training are in check, you will make some impressive gains.
u think 10 weeks are long enough?
aren´t 16 weeks better for serious gains?(so that i am not only a temporary water tank)

how much proviron? whats about Zink?

thanks a lot.. HUB
since this is your 1st cycle, i'm leaning with NTO.

that being said, i'd go just a tad higher on the enan, and i'd add eq for some hardeness, and its ability to keep water off.
this is only 900mg a week of total drug. theres still plenty of room for higher doses down the road. and i think you'll be much happier in the end with this combo, rather than test alone.

test enan 500mg/week weeks 1-11
eq 400mg /week 1-10

clomid 2 weeks after your last shot of test.

peace I4L
hubble, 10 weeks is plenty and set up like buffdawg suggested would be perfect for you.

you must remember that the gear is only a small part of the equation. you must train right,eat right and sleep right to maximize your gains on any amount of gear bro.
Thanks a lot @all!

2 things:

1.) i am not 220lbs but 240lbs!!! ->calculated wrong from german kilo (110) to lbs ;-) sorry

500mg/w is still ok? (I think so...)

2.) Proviron or Novaldex? and using it preventiv(during cycle from begin) or only in case Gyn.Sympt. appear?

thanks HUB:D
Hey bro....best cycle I've done to date involved two of the drugs you mentioned: I ran 300mg/wk of EQ, and 300mg/wk of Enanthate. You really should stack an anabolic with the test, not 'one or the other'. If you can, try to add 4 Dbol/day for the first 3 weeks, to really get things rolling (might as well, since it's so cheap). BTW...I weighed about 230 when I started, and peaked out at 248. Length of cycle was 10 weeks.
hitmansb said:
Hey bro....best cycle I've done to date involved two of the drugs you mentioned: I ran 300mg/wk of EQ, and 300mg/wk of Enanthate. You really should stack an anabolic with the test, not 'one or the other'. If you can, try to add 4 Dbol/day for the first 3 weeks, to really get things rolling (might as well, since it's so cheap). BTW...I weighed about 230 when I started, and peaked out at 248. Length of cycle was 10 weeks.

Yes....but it is going to be his FIRST cycle !!

He is best to stick with just one compound and learn how he reacts to that, leaving stacking for future cycles.
Ok thanks all!

I believe that the EQ/Enantat stack is good ->next cycle :)
I´ll start with Enantat...

but ONE thing: what is with Testos danger to Hairloss? Mustn´t i be afraid?

ok i dont look so --> :afro:
but I have full hair(my Pa+Grandpa also) with "corners (?)". Teato still right choice?

and what do u all think of DECA???? nobody here likes DECA?

Many here don't like Deca because it tends to shut down your natural testosterone production longer than any other drug. The longer you are 'shut down' post-cycle, the more of your gains you will lose.