Enanthate @ 400mg


New member
they guys, i made my enanthate at 400mg @ 5%BA and deca at 5% BA, this was jsut to make sure it held, I didn't want to have to deal with it not holding. A buddy of mine took a shot of it and the next day said his ass hurt. I am assuming this was form the high concentration of the test, correct? I just want to make sure 400mg/ml usually will cause some scar tissue and it isnt form me fuckin up. Thanks guys.

My 500mg/ml enanthate is painfull, but I have deca at 400mg/ml and it really doesn't hurt at all. But ya, the pain is from the concentration.
you will get used to the discomfort. enan is soluable in oil. absolutely no solvent is needed. just do the high mg stuff in the ass and mix it with some that is not painfull. i can do 2ml of enan 500 now with no discomfort. the first few times it left a small lump but not anymore. and with the high mg stuff you can do one shot a week of enan. i normally do a gram twice a week. sometimes more sometimes less. depends on what else i am doing. i range from 1 -3 grams per week at different times.
And here I am thinking wether to add prop to my winny/Test Enan/ Tren Enan... I thought this was going to be a monster cycle until I read your posts... :) You are my hero... lolololol :)

Ps cheers for all the advice!!

its not uncommon for me to go well over 5g/w in total hormones. now do i get dbl results from 2g of enan/w as compared to 1g? no but there is a difference. the returns start to diminsh after a point but they still increase. this is where stacking comes into play and knowing which hormones have a synergistic effect and which ones dont combine well.