Enanthate with NO BA?


I have a feeling im very sensitive to BA. With a 1% BA enan i got minimal pain, with a 5% mixture i got some pretty bad pain for a few days after the shot. I was wondering if i can make a batch with no ba to see how it works. I have heard that enan holds in oil only, but will it be sterile enough, if filtered and baked but no ba? thanks for any help.

i dont use BA in enan, eq or deca. Jes oil and hormone. BA in my mind is nothing more than a water soluable solvent. i never heard of BA for sterility til i went on this board and a few others. Everyone was preaching the sterility properties of BA. Hell they made it sound like you could put BA on a freaking cow turd and shoot it safely. Well to say the least I posted several studies to disprove these renegade theories. Got booted off one board for preaching the truth. It was odd though as i went back later under a diff name and those guys had changed their tune. funny stuff.

but to answer you question. No ba required in oil souable esterfied hormones. filter and bake and know you are safe.
Nice just what i wanted hear. And for some strange reason, i trust your advice. :insane2: :D Thanks bro.
I already have...considering i learn all my stuff from ya....they told me that im incurable...so im just plainly shit outta luck!
jes remeber there is only one rule in life. either grab a paddle and start rowing or GTF out of the boat.

and there are are only two types of people in the world. ones that take a shower before work and ones who shower after work.
pullinbig said:
jes remeber there is only one rule in life. either grab a paddle and start rowing or GTF out of the boat.

and there are are only two types of people in the world. ones that take a shower before work and ones who shower after work.

i shower before AND after work. that makes 3 people in this world. what about the people that shower AT work? that makes four. You are slippin', PB.
nope. if you shower at work it is either before a task or after. unless you get paid to shower. now for two showers a day or more. you always showering before work unless its the last day you will ever worek and then you showered.

now Ida as with any statement there are always a small % of exceptions. you of all people should understand this.
i shower before work and after work myself.....mainly to smell purty for the wimmen while working, and then after to get all the perfume offa me....
I actually have 2 jobs. I dont shower before one of them, but always after. And I always shower before the second one but only sometimes after. Heres the catch, if I work both the same day I techinically shower before, after/before and then definatly after.
i know how that feels dougoe...i got two jobs myself...painter by day, bouncer by night....Zzzzzzz
pullinbig said:
see you guys got it figured out. you got two jobs and i am retired. i shower after work

i see. you always shower after work. sorry, I was fatigued, and not clear of mind when I posted that. i will sharpen up;)
Starting to be a big trend in here of threads going way off topic real fast. :D Keeps things interesting. BTW I shower after work
pullinbig said:
Got booted off one board for preaching the truth.

Hmmmm, somehow I suspect it might have been in HOW you were presenting 'the truth' and not so much as what you were presenting as 'the truth'. :)
well...... they attacked first. but since i have taken dadawgs sensitivity training class i interact well with others.

i no longer want to slap dose bitches in they mouffs. or go up side they heads.

i am at peace with my fellows. tis better to turn the other cheek.

my estrogen must be a little high today. what a load of shit i just typed. i am scaring my self.

you guys have a nice day.

oh....... tex after careful concideration i am with drawing my request for an additional star. in fact i think i have too many now.