end of week 4 pics ...........

Running 250mg/week test c, tren a 100mg eod, just bumped my trt dose up abit from 200 to 250mg week, gonna bump my tren dose next week to 150mg eod
I believe gains come from a great diet plan and sticking to your planned diet, my last blast I weighed rougly 235 but cheated a lot and wasnt weighing my stuff, this time around I have one to 2 cheat meals per week and the rest of the time follow my diet plan 7 days a week, rougly gaining 2 pounds a week, its not about how much jioce u are taking in, its about your diet plan and workout routine and the steroids help aid in the muscle growth in the process
Taking in 3600 cals, 380p, 360c, 80g fat
Weighing 207 as of today
Further more not worth gaining weight fast, gained a far amount of bf my last bulk and took me 15 weeks to chop the shit, not worth it, slow and steady gains wins the battle
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Further more going in there with a bb mindset not a powerlifter mind set, took my ego out of the equation, as I have a cocky background lol, I goto the gym noe for the pump and feel, getting 10-12 reps instead of lifting stupid amounts of heavy weight, your muscles dont know how much weight is there in reality, as long as u get that pump feeling your muscles will grow
Further more going in there with a bb mindset not a powerlifter mind set, took my ego out of the equation, as I have a cocky background lol, I goto the gym noe for the pump and feel, getting 10-12 reps instead of lifting stupid amounts of heavy weight, your muscles dont know how much weight is there in reality, as long as u get that pump feeling your muscles will grow

Pump doesn't equal growth just so you know Matt. Pumps are simply your blood vessels dilating allowing more blood to flow through them. After you've cooled down the pumps to away plain and simple. Your muscles know exactly how much weight is on the bar, that's the whole purpose of lifting weights...to get progress.
I agree with that to a degree, but if somebody was say curling 120lbs with shitty ass form your telling me just cause he is curlig 120lbs with back and front delts involved he is detroying his biceps?, I mean with lighter weight, weight that u can handle to create that pump, is gonna beat those guys using the bscks and delts to curl that weight anyday of the week
I still lift heavy just npt dtupid about it nomore
And I set my pr lifts for fridays like today my deads are todsy and last week got up 515, so we will see how I feel today, as I go by how I feel, not how much weight I lifted last week
Further more going in there with a bb mindset not a powerlifter mind set, took my ego out of the equation, as I have a cocky background lol, I goto the gym noe for the pump and feel, getting 10-12 reps instead of lifting stupid amounts of heavy weight, your muscles dont know how much weight is there in reality, as long as u get that pump feeling your muscles will grow

You are dead on with this post.

Keep the hard work up man, your doing great
Pump doesn't equal growth just so you know Matt. Pumps are simply your blood vessels dilating allowing more blood to flow through them. After you've cooled down the pumps to away plain and simple. Your muscles know exactly how much weight is on the bar, that's the whole purpose of lifting weights...to get progress.

My question would be then what do people with injury, or limitations in weight do to build their muscle?

I have a pretty bad left wrist which doesnt allow for HEAVY curls and a pretty bad lower back which doesnt allow for crazy dead lifts..

How can I grow these with out the large amout of weight?
I agree with that to a degree, but if somebody was say curling 120lbs with shitty ass form your telling me just cause he is curlig 120lbs with back and front delts involved he is detroying his biceps?, I mean with lighter weight, weight that u can handle to create that pump, is gonna beat those guys using the bscks and delts to curl that weight anyday of the week

I never said to get sloppy with form but it's better to cheat curls and smaller isolation exercises than big compound lifts such as squats or deads (to some degree). The function of the bicep is to supinate the wrist AND to extend the shoulder. This means that full ROM for a bicep curl involves some shoulder extension/movement. It's not a cheat it's part of the lift. You took what i originally said and twisted it around bro. Again, pump or no pump, doesn't mean anything towards growth or progress. You could take cialis before your workout and get amazing pumps from very little lifting...does that mean the cialis helped your muscles grow? Not really lol
My question would be then what do people with injury, or limitations in weight do to build their muscle?

I have a pretty bad left wrist which doesnt allow for HEAVY curls and a pretty bad lower back which doesnt allow for crazy dead lifts..

How can I grow these with out the large amout of weight?

First you'd try and heal the injury as much as possible. Rehab, therapy, etc whatever it takes to get the healing process started and you able to lift again. From there it's about progressive increases in strength. Part of the muscle's role is to protect joints and bones and going further, a stronger muscle is a better muscle at protecting and helping heal injuries (depending on the kind of injury). If an injury is hampering you you still need to lift more and more weights to help heal it and get bigger/stronger but you'd slow your progression down slightly so that you're not making incredible jumps in weight on the bar. If start off with lower weights higher reps until you build baseline strength and endurance in the problem areA and slowly increase the weight while reducing the reps to help build strength. When you up the weights make conservative jumps not aggressive and pay attention to form
First you'd try and heal the injury as much as possible. Rehab, therapy, etc whatever it takes to get the healing process started and you able to lift again. From there it's about progressive increases in strength. Part of the muscle's role is to protect joints and bones and going further, a stronger muscle is a better muscle at protecting and helping heal injuries (depending on the kind of injury). If an injury is hampering you you still need to lift more and more weights to help heal it and get bigger/stronger but you'd slow your progression down slightly so that you're not making incredible jumps in weight on the bar. If start off with lower weights higher reps until you build baseline strength and endurance in the problem areA and slowly increase the weight while reducing the reps to help build strength. When you up the weights make conservative jumps not aggressive and pay attention to form

My wrist doest effect any of my other lifts (Chest, back, shoulders) just kills me on bi's.

Im not sure if its a injury or CTS from the HGH..
If its just on biceps its a good chance of being a hairline fracture in your wrist which needs rest to heal. I would look into getting that checked out to see if thats the problem