Entertaining the notion... 24 weeks on

New alias

Grow Stronger
Weeks 1-7 600mg test c/wk
Weeks 8-24 800mg test c/wk
Weeks 14-24 300mg npp/week

Would reduce back to trt test c dose after 24 week blast

Blood work done at weeks 6, 12, 18, 24, 30

Would there be any benefits changing to test prop at week 14 alongside npp?

34, 5'11, 210, 15%
^^ first he knows his stuff, personal experience i did 20 weeks without hcg, which i dont recommend and i did a long and strong pct and still was spent for a a few months ... it takes its toll
100mg every 3.5 days test c

.25mg adex eod

Currently not on hcg, but will be bringing it up to my doctor in the future to increase load volume... lol

I am a few weeks into my 600mg test c/wk blast

increased adex to .5mg eod
Sorry man, your cycle seems backwards to me. Why increase your test after 7 weeks and start the NPP towards the end? I would start with and maintain the same dose of test throughout the cycle and start with the NPP as it kicks in faster than the cypionate, giving a small kick-start to the cycle.

This serves a few purposes; one is to get the ball rolling faster, another is to keep your hormones steady - the human body doesn't operate as well if you change things in this fashion (sides, estradiol, etc). It also gives you time to clear the nandrolone while you have a healthy dose of test still in your system.

My .02c :)
Sorry man, your cycle seems backwards to me. Why increase your test after 7 weeks and start the NPP towards the end? I would start with and maintain the same dose of test throughout the cycle and start with the NPP as it kicks in faster than the cypionate, giving a small kick-start to the cycle.

This serves a few purposes; one is to get the ball rolling faster, another is to keep your hormones steady - the human body doesn't operate as well if you change things in this fashion (sides, estradiol, etc). It also gives you time to clear the nandrolone while you have a healthy dose of test still in your system.

My .02c :)

Yeah... Probably should have done it as a kicker.... But I didn't...

I have the idea to increase the test.... and then to add in the npp later to combat the diminishing returns I have heard people speak about when it comes to longer cycles.
Yeah... Probably should have done it as a kicker.... But I didn't...

I have the idea to increase the test.... and then to add in the npp later to combat the diminishing returns I have heard people speak about when it comes to longer cycles.

Diminishing returns come from the fact that guys tend to forget that they've put on more muscle, which requires more food. If you gain 6lbs of LBM, but don't feed your body, odds are you're not going to grow more as you've only given enough fuel to gain those 6lbs.

Receptor down regulation is bro-science as the body will create more receptors to accommodate the demand. Just up those calories if gains start to slow down, and lower them if body fat starts accumulating. :)
I'm 44 and my last cycle was 20 weeks on 500mg test C aweek. Didn't up it and didn't take any HCG (only because I don't care about having anymore kids and they didn't shrink much). I did follow proper PCT and everything came back to normal after a couple of months. I stayed off for 4 months and now I'm back on the same 500mg again for the next 20 weeks. I didn't take any adex last time, just had tamox on had in case the nipples got itchy. Planned on doing same thing this time but have read that taking 10mg of tamox every day is a good idea for helping to keep estrogen down during cycle? Good idea or bad idea?
I'm 44 and my last cycle was 20 weeks on 500mg test C aweek. Didn't up it and didn't take any HCG (only because I don't care about having anymore kids and they didn't shrink much). I did follow proper PCT and everything came back to normal after a couple of months. I stayed off for 4 months and now I'm back on the same 500mg again for the next 20 weeks. I didn't take any adex last time, just had tamox on had in case the nipples got itchy. Planned on doing same thing this time but have read that taking 10mg of tamox every day is a good idea for helping to keep estrogen down during cycle? Good idea or bad idea?

You need to start your own thread and ask these questions, not hijack other peoples. And no, pretty much all of what you said sounds like a disaster... do you care about your natural testosterone at all? I highly recommend you start researching these things BEFORE injecting....
Sorry about the hijack, only put it here because he was asking about long cycles. I did my research, yes I'm a first time poster but I've been on this site and a few others researching for 3 years....before I pinned. I will do as you say and start my own thread. Thank you