New member
I've recently decided to do my third PH/DS cycle nd have chosen Havoc. I also was looking for something to stack with and came across 'Methyl-Tren 550' and stupidly bought it without checking exactly what it was. I assumed it was the PH version of Tren but I was mistaken.
I'm wondering if there's any added danger of stacking what is in fact Mentabolan with Epi and what changes I should make.
I have pre-loaded with cycle support for 2 weeks.
I'm dosing epi at 20/30/30/40 and the methyl tren at 20/30/30/40 as well.
For PCT I have Nolva, 6-bromo and some test boosters.
I have got bloodwork done and have completed two successful cycles before.
Are these compounds OK to stack with eachother?
I've recently decided to do my third PH/DS cycle nd have chosen Havoc. I also was looking for something to stack with and came across 'Methyl-Tren 550' and stupidly bought it without checking exactly what it was. I assumed it was the PH version of Tren but I was mistaken.
I'm wondering if there's any added danger of stacking what is in fact Mentabolan with Epi and what changes I should make.
I have pre-loaded with cycle support for 2 weeks.
I'm dosing epi at 20/30/30/40 and the methyl tren at 20/30/30/40 as well.
For PCT I have Nolva, 6-bromo and some test boosters.
I have got bloodwork done and have completed two successful cycles before.
Are these compounds OK to stack with eachother?