EPI for NOOB Cycle

To all the Ma55HOLES- I’m a Maniac by birth and consider you Southerners and thus Rebels. We (Mainers) all know that the real Mason-Dixon line lies firmly between Portsmouth NH and Kittery ME.

LMFAO....I have never heard that...you guys are a different breed up there...
SamBoz19 (Sean) – thank you & points well taken. I’m getting my lipids/liver tested this week and am hoping levels are down enough to go off the Simvastatin I’m on. My cardio and diet has been spot on for the past six months and I’m expecting the blood test to show that. I can’t remember when I last had red meat. (getting older blows)

The Phantom- you did and thank you..!

djm6464- exactly the type of cycle critique I was looking for- thank you…

BigKevKris- rgr, understand on all. My military DR and I have a very close relationship, not to the point that I trust her with knowledge of PH use, but in that she knows me and my health very well. My concern is that she could definitely put 2 + 2 together in that a massive change in cholesterol levels plus drastic changes in physique = probably using banned (NCAA/FDA) substances. Since my lipids are tested every three to four months- it’s a genuine concern of mine. Obviously a huge factor in anything I ingest as I do not want to jeopardize my retirement. Ensuring my lipid profile stays within my “normal” range is my goal. I guess I could always just tell her that I had several Big Macs the night before and didn’t fast that morning. Ps- thank you.

Nerdalert- thank you.

Needtogetaas- Thanks so much- I did notice the multi and co-q-10 in the Need2guard- I was planning to drop those during the cycle. Apologize for not being clear on that- and thanks for pointing it out. Also- appreciate the Liver Longer, Lovaza , Nolva, Forma and Krill oil tips. Couldn’t agree with you more on your opinion of the board and mods. Thanks very much for the kind words, encouragement and support. Some other supps that I’m researching right now to add to my potential cycle would be Niacin (cholesterol), Hawthorne Berry (for BP, I know it’s in Need2Guard, but think a higher dose for me may be prudent), Red Yeast Rice (although I already take a script Statin), and Albuterol (cholesterol).

drheadphone- you’re welcome(?)

Mich29- thank you…

THANKS to everyone for chiming in- trust me , you’ve all helped in some way or another.
As you can see I have a lot to consider and I’m not about jumping into anything haphazardly. I do hope I can get a round turn on the Cholesterol (if my next lipid profile doesn’t come back with the result I’m expecting then it’s definitely genetically high and not diet/cardio/BF/caffeine/alcohol or tobacco related ), I’d say my BP is pretty much in the normal range and can be kept easily under control.

If I do end up giving it a green light- I’ll post up a log (then bombard you all for help drafting up my s-drol cycle- lol). In either case- I hope this post will help other cholesterol challenged folks weigh the risk/benefits. Meanwhile I still have some research to do before comitting to anything..

To all the Ma55HOLES- I’m a Maniac by birth and consider you Southerners and thus Rebels. We (Mainers) all know that the real Mason-Dixon line lies firmly between Portsmouth NH and Kittery ME.

Thank you for the kind sentiment. Its nice receiving acknowledgment. You are a class act good sir.

Additionally, if you ever have any other types of questions or want some advice on something feel free to pm me.



Primordial Performance

I went to the dispensary on Monday- my BP was the lowest I've ever seen it.. 113/73.

My doc and I were pretty stoked- looks like the cardio and diet are really paying off.

They drew blood for my lipids/liver test as they normally do every 3-4 months since I'm on a Statin drug for cholesterol.. I should have the lab results in a few days and I'm really expecting improved results..

I told her my goal was to be off the cholesterol meds and manage the levels naturally with diet/excercise. It maybe premature (since the labs are back yet) but she had me stop the meds to see where my levels will be at naturally, with the possibility of being off them completely.

Like I've stated- I'm not a medical basketcase, just the levels were higher than nomal so they threw me on meds and I lived with it.. Military life has been rough on the body- in my early years anyway (work hard play hard was the motto). But fortunately things are looking positive. I've been putting in a lot of work especially for a 40+ year old. Definatley in the gym alot more than my younger comrades. The daily cardio, diet mods and weight lifting has been a labor of love despite being at that point in life where its just tough to manage finding time for the gym...

So anyway- it's looking good that I'll be able to eventually run my EPI cycle but looks like the cycle will be delayed a little longer- which sorta sucks but I'm absolutely positive that my patience with this is paramount.
Doc wants me back in to see her at the end of MAR to get new lab tests, so we can see just how my natural cholesterol levels pan out. No need in freaking her out with PH induced HDL/LDL spikes. ;-)

Meanwhile I'll continue to hone my cycle products list and slowly start stocking up on items.. If all goes as I'd like- I'll commence my (pre)cycle the 1st week of APR.

In any case- my quest to run a cycle has definately caused me to persue a healthier attitude toward life- diet and excercise...

