

New member
Start date: 11/17/10
End date: 12/31/10
Epi-Strong (15mg AM/15mg PM)
NAC (600mg with each epi cap)
L-Carnitine Tartrate (500mg with each epi cap)
Zinc Picolinate (50mg with each epi cap)
Co-Enzyme B-Complex (1 tablet with each epi cap)

Start date: 1/1/11
Forma Stanz (2 bottles)

Currently I am cutting and trying to get my BF % down so I can reap the vascular benefits of epi. At the end of my bulk I was 208, now I'm at 198. Gettin close. I'm very excited to get ripped for Xmas! I specifically planned th cycle to run on thanksgiving and Xmas.
YUCK!!!! Who cuts during the winter season?! What's the point? You should have bulked all the way to the first of July.

Best of luck on your cycle, I definitely want to hear your results, especially since the holiday seasons will be tempting your taste buds!
I know a lot of people plan their diets and routines based on the current season, but I plan based on progress and current goal.
I took 20mg Epi-Strong the first day. Today I received my buy one get one free Malicious Mass. My buddy and I split the cost so we each got a bottle for $27.50 wow!! I couldn't wait so I opened the bottle and took a cap right away. I'll be integrating the Malicious Mass into the Epi-Strong cycle.

Follow the new cycle here:
Malicious Mass & Epi-Strong