EQ and Deca


New member
from what I have read, EQ and Deca both can be used (safely) in long term cycles as a slow muscle builder, and are both recommended to be stacked with Test since (deca for sure) they diminish natural test production even at a small dosage

so, in saying that, would there be any benefit to using both simultaneously while , of course, using test?

the reason I ask this is because I have used eq b4, and I feel it helps boost my appetite, and I have also read that it helps with the water retention side of Test.

as far as the deca, never heard an ill word about it, only positive feedback from its users.

I'm not a fan of "more is better" , I feel that everything should eb done in correct proportions to achieve the best end result. so thats why im asking about combining the two.

thanks in advance for the replies
I've heard of people running the two together, but I probably wouldn't do it. I've ran eq with test before and liked it, but I'm not sure how much adding deca would do in terms of gains.
i also wanted to mix the two but it they sound like they do the same thing...i'm really looking forwrd to an answer on this one
nandrolone and EQ are not similar... but have some common point on the way they work.

EQ is, for me, safest than nandrolone, but Primo is safer than both...

from what I've read deca is easier on the body because of the 5aplha reductase, which doesn't happen with the EQ. and primo is hell on the hair, so not safe for all
I once ran a test/EQ/deca cycle. It was a very good cycle without much complaint till week 9 or 10 or so. Out of nowhere I developed very high BP and it wasnt water rentention related so i stopped and BP came back to within normal ranges about a week and a half later. Gains were good (12-15lbs) and I kept most of them. To be honest though, I think i would have done better with just test and deca or test alone.
from what I've read deca is easier on the body because of the 5aplha reductase, which doesn't happen with the EQ. and primo is hell on the hair, so not safe for all

We are not all the same, your right, and it's a good observation. right.

EQ provent from a study for making and injectable for of dianabol, but it doen't works, and they found "almost by accident" the boldenone, which is attached with the undecylenate ester witha half-life of 14 days +/-
So it work very closer to a testo, with less side effect, and then, less gain, but no bloat... in fact more you want gain, more you would increase the dosage, and thus,you give chance to increase the sides to.

Deca is a synthetic hormone, who provent from the study of a stable DHT derivative, but is not a real DHT derivate. just the structure is bose on...
Is worse for hair more than primo. usualy. it make watter retention on tissues, and retention of minerals, is one of his principal fonction ostheoporisis... And i think you know that.

primo is realy different... primo is realy the smoothest compounds among thsese tree...
and is usualy, not more harch for hair than deca. in fact on this point, thay are exactly the same mg to mg...
We are not all the same, your right, and it's a good observation. right.

EQ provent from a study for making and injectable for of dianabol, but it doen't works, and they found "almost by accident" the boldenone, which is attached with the undecylenate ester witha half-life of 14 days +/-
So it work very closer to a testo, with less side effect, and then, less gain, but no bloat... in fact more you want gain, more you would increase the dosage, and thus,you give chance to increase the sides to.

Deca is a synthetic hormone, who provent from the study of a stable DHT derivative, but is not a real DHT derivate. just the structure is bose on...
Is worse for hair more than primo. usualy. it make watter retention on tissues, and retention of minerals, is one of his principal fonction ostheoporisis... And i think you know that.

primo is realy different... primo is realy the smoothest compounds among thsese tree...
and is usualy, not more harch for hair than deca. in fact on this point, thay are exactly the same mg to mg...

kane, you're really hard to understand sometimes....I'm guessing englsih isn't your first language? I"m not trying to break your balls or anything....your info is appreciated... just curious.
Well, i've seen people do it before but as some have already stated they would've gotten similar results with just one of the two compounds...HOWEVER, i've seen people do test + eq + tren and from what i've heard the results from that are incredible, i await the day i give that a shot :D
nandrolone and EQ are not similar... but have some common point on the way they work.

EQ is, for me, safest than nandrolone, but Primo is safer than both...

isnt primo kinda worthless in terms of gains?
yeah is safe and all but almost do nothing in trems of gaining wight correct me if im wrong
isnt primo kinda worthless in terms of gains?
yeah is safe and all but almost do nothing in trems of gaining wight correct me if im wrong

in fact primo have only a short ester 5 day maximum. and nadrolone and EQ are usualy found with decanoate and undecylenate which are 14 or more days (it depend person to person)

what are the result. Primo is no made to rapid gain, but solid and very easy to keep. no watter, and as you have a relativ mild level of hormone the keeping gain after cycle is very high.

for nandrolone you will get more watter, and the keeping gain worth not as good as Primo.

Eq work differently, but in long time.
No watter, less gain than nandrolone.

the experience is very easy to make.

nondrolone with a short ester like phenyl-prop bring similar gain than Primo, and EQ, and is easyer for the system than deca ester.
so pretty much stick with one or the other?

and Kane, from your direct quote - i am now 208lbs..had a fairly good cycle in the fall but had to stop injections and start post cycle therapy (pct) early cuz I got mono...boooo

In that cycle I took EQ so I'm familiar with it to an extent.

SO, for guys that have taken both ( EQ and Deca) in seperate cycles, which do you prefer?

thanks for all of the replies fellas