eq and test ent conver


New member
i have 10 grams of eq and 10 grams of test ent

im thinking of two things.....to mix them or not to....can u please give me both directions though

-directions (basically ba and bb and how much oil)the ba and bb in ml's not percent because still to this day i dont not understand it even tho i have converted alot...eq @ 300-400

-same thing for test

next im thinking of mixing the two, maybe like 200/200 or 250/250....any feedback will greatly be appreciated...
just follow the cook book instructions in the sticky, but cut the oil volume in half.

i prefer to make the two separately, then add the two together as needed.
very busy. lots of travel for work. been kinda outa the scene for a while.

i'll be making a concerted effort to hang out a little more often, at least when I am able to be in the office.