EQ and the beginer

why waste gear and money when u can be using the gear to its full effects.. if ur not gona do it right then dont do it at all.. Sustanon (sust) is not for begginers anyways.

first time users can see some decent gains while on sust... of course.. virgin receptors... boom they grow... but after this use he will regret not using the Sustanon (sust) to its full impact. coz im sure it wont work the same way it did his first time.

i disagree with you in a respectable manner im not bashing you flaming u or however u want to call it.. but just coz you never had problems with running more eq then test.. doesnt mean everyoens the same... you are lucky u got away with this and im sure that your body will not continue this way... its more smart to have more test and less eq in a cycle... its the best way to get the best of the gear. maybe if you tried switching things around wich you realy need to do.. you will finaly understand where im comming from.

injecting Sustanon (sust) once a week is just a waste.. lol think about it you are going to loose out on the prop ester the next day anways... so u are not even using 50 mg of the 250 you are realy taking. i dot know exactly how much prop Sustanon (sust) contains to be exact but i think you do get my point.

wahtever floats your boat bro.
johnnyblaze said:
injecting Sustanon (sust) once a week is just a waste.. lol think about it you are going to loose out on the prop ester the next day anways... so u are not even using 50 mg of the 250 you are realy taking. i dot know exactly how much prop Sustanon (sust) contains to be exact but i think you do get my point.

i agree with you totally on that.... i was disagreeing with your previous statement about why test should always be run higher than all of the other Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) in the cycle, for anyone.

i just dont see how a slightly higher dosage of EQ would cause harm, or any more harm than even a small dose of test.
I have to agree with daan on this. While I'd never suggest a first timer start out with EQ, if someone knows they react well to EQ, it is a very viable alternative to test. No offense JB, but there are no "rules" in this game. Most of these ole re-hashed principles for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) usage have been developed on very little, and in a lot of cases, no research. Those who react well to EQ can in fact use mostly, and in some cases, only EQ with very good results. How do I know? I'm doing it. I like to encourage experimentation once one has established a solid basis/foundation. Thats actually why I recommend test only for a first timer, but anyway. I mean we are all different and react differently to gear. To me saying that one has to follow some sort of set rules, is kinda like setting someone in front of a blank canvas, giving them a brush and some paint and telling them they have to use a set brush stroke and only certain colors...kinda limits them.

I do agree with you on the Sustanon (sust) though. I personally, prefer using a single ester test. Its usually cheaper and easier to properly administer. If one is to use Sustanon (sust) properly, IMO it needs to be taken EOD or atleast every third day, to get the full benefits...
just wondering what if you have a 12 week cycle and the first 6 weeks ur on test then for the next 6 ur still on test but add EQ to it?
Drij said:
just wondering what if you have a 12 week cycle and the first 6 weeks ur on test then for the next 6 ur still on test but add EQ to it?

EQ has a long ester attached to it, so it takes a while to kick in, which is why it would make very little sense to add it to the end of a cycle
Yeah, that is a good point dog. It seems to me that EQ is not one of those quick burst add ons, but something that has to be tempered over the span of a cycle in order to optimize benefits.
I found these posts to be very interesting as a newbie myself. However, in viewing these posts, I've read some things other places that contradict. I read on another site that Sustanon (sust) is generally a first cycle for europeans and that the 3 blend mix provides good result, primarily due to the active duration being diff for all 3. Supposedly cyp having the immediate realease effects with enan having delayed release, with the total differing activity levels (release times) creating a sort of built in blood-level control.

Certainly a single type 3x/week is going to have much stronger effect, but i am rferring to the purported blood levels with a 1x/week dose.

Moreover, I'm considering a sten/eq for my first cycle. Actually, its a bit more complicated I have an idea for:
phase 1
1-2 dnp
phase 2
3-4 t3/clen
phase 3
5-8 cont. t3/clen
5-12 sten/eq
poss. phase 4
sten/eq/tren or sten/tren

In any case, permanant gains are important to me as well pari6879, but it is generally readily apparent to me who the test users are. they may be big, but i see definition (generally) lacking due to water and not being lean quality muscle mass.

Of course it depends on what your objectives are, keeping gains is important to me, but likewise is looking cut, rather than just big. I dont know that I'm convinced that test needs to be the base, by the characteristic profile eq is purportedly "highly anabolic and moderately androgenic." Furthermore, EQ has a high affinity for site recptor bonding like test.
Source: http://www.anabolicboard.com/ab/news.php?action=fullnews&id=6

Moreover, if gyno is a concern, as it seems to be, test is a more problematic compound to contend with, not to mention additional cost of the ancilliary anti-E's. I dont think u should rule out EQ so quickly just cus fellow juicers tend to have an affinity towards test.

In any case, would hope u take some b4/after pics. Hopefully I will be able to do so at start of each phase. If u do go test for first run, would love to compare results.
200mg test enanthat
300mg eq
That it , I know that many people with sa that it low dose but for first cycle you will gain enough!
PH...Sust isn't a bad drug at all. Its just that it needs to be administered more often (more pokes) to keep blood levels more even. Usually newbies aren't real crazy about frequent injections. Check out this site, Roid Calculator, and play around with the different compounds with different frequencies and I'm sure you'll see what I mean.

As far as your cycle goes, IMO, you really should be on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) while doing the T3 and DNP. Actually, I always recommend newbies stay away from DNP, but if you really have your heart set on it...atleast take some Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) with it & please thoroughly research it before using it..I've known a couple of bros that have had to spend a little time in the ER using that stuff...don't take it lightly!

Now about this bloat stuff, why is it that everyone is scared to death to get a little bloated these days? If you are taking in enuff fluids and you aren't getting gyno, a little bloat is your friend when trying to grow. It is creating a positive environment for muscle growth. Sure when the cycle is over you'll piss away a few pounds, but who cares? The lean mass that you speak of is still under there.
Looks good to me...I am going to be starting something close to that for my first cycle in about two weeks from yesterday.

1-12 150mg prop EOD
1-4 30mg Dbol ED
1-10 300mg Deca
8-12 50mg Winstrol (winny) ED
6-12 T3
.5mg Arimidex EOD
personally id leave the Winstrol (winny) out this time around... its only your 1st and you will make mindblowing gains from the test/eq... theres no need really for an oral
TrojanMan60563 said:
Looks good to me...I am going to be starting something close to that for my first cycle in about two weeks from yesterday.

1-12 150mg prop EOD
1-4 30mg Dbol ED
1-10 300mg Deca
8-12 50mg Winstrol (winny) ED
6-12 T3
.5mg Arimidex EOD
Nolva/HCG post cycle therapy (pct)
This is going to be your first cycle? I just find it funny that everyone needs four drugs in a cycle now for it to be affective.

I just finished a 12 week cycle in which I took 600 mg of EQ and 250 mg cyp for 12 weeks. To be honest, I think I'm one of those people who does not respond too well to EQ. But hey, that's why we try different compounds, to see what works for us as individuals. I did notice some vascularity increases and a better pump, but not much in the way of size, and I know it was not because of bad gear or my diet or training. I love short esters, and I will only use them in the future. But for now, I'm going natural for a while. I will not touch another cycle until I gain 5-10 pounds naturally. You could try EQ, but I believe that going with some test e or cyp for your first cycle would be your best bet inmho.
pari6819 said:
I was not going to go oral

doesnt matter... they are both 17aa and you dont need 3 compounds to have an awesome first cycle... wont make a bit of difference IMO