EQ & Clen make me hungry - How the hell can I cut ?


New member
Eq hunger has been making me insane.

I am also on Clen. I don't know about you guys, but Clen ALSO makes me hungry.

So I gotta get will power in order this week.
Try eating more protein.....I doubt ir would hurt.....When I cut (which hasn't been in years) I try to bump up my H2o intake to keep a "full feeling"......it will also help to keep yourself hydrated now that you are doing extra cardio.........

As Natty has mentioned, 5-HTP helps a lot with hunger.

also, sometimes hunger is a psychological thing. I guess I'm lucky whenever I cut, i'm usually busy with school, work, and other things.to the point where i almost forget or actually DO forget to eat.

keeping your mind off food helps.

try playing X box college football 2004 :)
You have two choices:

1) A mild amphetamine to kill your appetite.

2) Willpower...just suffer through the hunger using glasses of water.

I know, the choices suck, but I'm in the same boat when on EQ.
I'm with everyone else...
ADD PROTEIN (eat various proteins throughout the day, fish, chicken etc)
ADD WATER 2 large glasses before you snack on anything should help.

I have had some success with mazindol in the case of hunger...