eq cyp


New member
i want to order some eq cyp. whats the easiest way to make it. doc cj was helping me out in another thread but i didnt want to hijack it too much. plus if its that hard i might not want to order the min. Also is it liquid at room temp like regular eq, because that usually means i would have one shot to make the whole batch at once.
whats the advantage of using boldenone cyp. over undecylenate?
boldenone undecylenate is the easiest to brew.
yeah but i want it to kick in when my test does and for it to be a shorter ester so i can evaluate the dossage i like.
Bold cyp is powder at room temp. Mix 2/20 or 3/20 with straight EO at 200mg/ml. And it will be stable as hell even when cold. Go much over 200 mg/ml and you may run into site injection problems.
uridium sorry but i see ur a mod at a conversionboard, even thou i never been their i was wondering if youve ever seen or can help with an injectable cialis? suspension or solution.
EO is best when used with short esters like acetate/prop at high concentration ie 200mg/ml. Also works well with bold cyp and 1-test cyp, but offers no real advantage with other cyps. Sorry, somebody else will have to help with the cialis question bro. I've never looked into that conversion.
If I remember correctly Ciba developed this compound about 1956 but they never brought it to market because they couldn't figure out a way to make the injections tolerable. While its anabolic profile says it 5 to 7 times as anabolic as test I found its androgenic profile to be too high to allow that level of anabolism. Imagine a cross between a souped up primo and tren and your pretty close. It's a DHT derivative so no conversion to estrogen. It will harden you up better than primo but wont build as much mass as tren IMO. The sides for me were nonexistent at up to 600mg per week, but when you get close to a gram it will dry your joints out bad as it also appears to have some anti-e properties. Most people do really well at about 400mg. As you can expect being a DHT derivative it will have androgenic sides for some. Oily skin, acne etc... but no libido issues. In fact just the opposite :horny:

On a side note: Without EO you will find this to be one of the most painful injects possible, worse than test prop, Winstrol (winny) suspensions etc... With EO its fairly pain free up to concentrations of 200mg/ml using 2/20. If you do experiment with it I do NOT recommend going beyond that concentration.
well since you seem so to know so much i was curious what steroids you thought were the best to add to a lower test base to avoid further hair loss but still build muscle.

ive used tbol and just started Anavar (var) . I was curious how u compare these for hair loss

and also curious if primo is a hairloss culprit

ive heard conflicting info on the primo since its a dht derivative, but then again i think Anavar (var) is a dht derivative but is said to be easy on the hair.
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Personal preference would be EQ/Bold Cyp or Deca/Npp depending on your test ester.

Never tried tbol. I stay away from all orals these days. I've found I just don't need them with short esters.

Let me find some wood to knock on cause the only thing that ever caused me to shed was Superdrol. Primo seems to be fairly easy on the hair. It's actually a DHB not DHT derivative which may explain why.
ok sorry if this is tedious for you but i seem to react differently then every one else so this info is very usefull to me. I also react well in actual gains to things that are more anabolic. So for example i think i would gain more on 50mg of dbol and 250 of test than i would on 1000 of test.

like i loose hair easily, but i have to run high amounts of test to keep my sex drive up and it seems that when i run other things it drowns out my sex drive. i recently came of an ssri that i was on for years so ill have to re judge all this

So this is why im trying to find what steroids are best for me to stack with 200-600 of test with E or CYP with out drowning out the positive affects test has my mood and sex drive or Agression that i need for work outs and life and and the same time limiting hair loss as much as possible.

sorry to run on an on but why is it that somthing like anavar thats a dht derivative is said to be one of the easiest on the hair line.
If interfering with libido is a concern then forget the deca and go with EQ or Bold Cyp. Either one will work great with EQ being less problematical both to find and use. Not to mention the fact that since EQ boosts type II collagen synthesis by 340% your ligaments and tendons will be kept happy.

Ana Anavar (var) is not overly adrogenic even though it is a DHT derivative because it is already 5-Alpha reduce meaning it can not react in tissue with the 5-Alpha reductase enzyme to create a more androgenic di-hydro compound. Primo is the same way.

If Anavar (var) doesn't cause you any hair loss problems you may want to try primo.
i not sure if the Anavar (var) causes any hair loss with me yet, just started it. But i have acces to anything since i homebrew.

so primo en was something i wanted to try, and so was eq (fiirst time stoped for another reason).

so if u had to compare primo and eq for hair loss and decribe the gains what would you say? also dossages i could run with out drowning out my test. thanks
Gains are similar mean lean gains that are easy to keep. Eq is slightly more anabolic and easier on hair. You'll also see more in the way of veins popping out since it increases RBC better. I'd use primo over it if on a cutter so it depends on your goals, but primo would not be my first choice if libido issues are a concern as it can have that effect on some people. Never heard that complaint with Eq though.

General recommendations would be along the following lines:
EQ 600mg or
Bold Cyp 400mg or
PrimoE 400mg
so does primo contribute to strength or is it only anabolic. The reason i ask is i recently heard that turnibol does not contribute to strenght and thats because its not androgenic enough.

did you choose to recomend the eq dossage higher than bold cyp because of ester weight or time it takes to build up.