Fluffy Bunny Hater
Unfortunately anything thats going to jack your strength up fast is also going to be very andorgenic. The more androgenic the faster the strength gains (think halo or tren). Primo is pretty mild so don't expect much in strength. You also won't see large strength gains with boldenone but you will see better gains in mass and no libido issues.
The dosing listed above is based on personal experience. The ester weight and responce time do figure into it, but to me 400mg bold cyp just feels like 600mg EQ with identical results. They just happen quicker with the cyp. The problem is that some people don't respond well to bold cyp. Some experience symptoms very similiar to those caused by bold prop only much less severe. The sides appear to be dose dependent however and generally don't appear till about 600mg per week.
The dosing listed above is based on personal experience. The ester weight and responce time do figure into it, but to me 400mg bold cyp just feels like 600mg EQ with identical results. They just happen quicker with the cyp. The problem is that some people don't respond well to bold cyp. Some experience symptoms very similiar to those caused by bold prop only much less severe. The sides appear to be dose dependent however and generally don't appear till about 600mg per week.