eq,deca, and cyp. cutting or bulking?


New member
I took eq and test 400 hundred last year and blew up like a tic. I was looking for similiar results this winter so i got cyp 200 mg/ml, deca 300mg/ml, and eq 200mg/ml. I have been taking icc of each twice a week. I am eating non stop but loosing wieght. can someone please give me advice on what changes i could make to currenet cycle . also my next bottle of eq is 300mg/ml , maybe that will help. any suggestions are appreciated as youi could imagine its frustrating putting out all this money and work , and not getting results im looking for
Age, Weight, Height, BF%????

Your either not eating enough or you have a lot of fat and your leaning out from all the muscle your putting on.

How long have you been on this cycle?
What is your AI?
What is your pct?

Thanks this info helps.
age 36 wieght 220 5'11 dont know body fat, i have to get that checked. somebody suggested cutting out deca and raising cyp and eq to 4 cc each per week. also i think my sleep may be an issue i have a labor intense job plus workout 5x a week and sleep avg 5 hrs a night. ive been on about five weeks and see no muscular results. my midsection has fat but not rest of body. i appreciate any advice
ai and pct

AI is like aromasin or arimidex for bloat and acne while on cycle. post cycle therapy (pct) is for after your cycle to help you recover from your natty levels being suppressed during the cycle. Ie. nolva or clomid.

How many cycles have you done so far? Without any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or post cycle therapy (pct) you may be in some trouble. Have you ever had any blood work done recently?
oh i took post cycle therapy i just didnt catch on to abbreviation, i took Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) n something else it been a while. somebody suggested taking proviron during cycle to prevent arromization, so ive been doing that. I really gotta start befriending the juice heads in my gym. thanks
age 36 wieght 220 5'11 dont know body fat, i have to get that checked. somebody suggested cutting out deca and raising cyp and eq to 4 cc each per week. also i think my sleep may be an issue i have a labor intense job plus workout 5x a week and sleep avg 5 hrs a night. ive been on about five weeks and see no muscular results. my midsection has fat but not rest of body. i appreciate any advice

oh i took post cycle therapy i just didnt catch on to abbreviation, i took Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) n something else it been a while. somebody suggested taking proviron during cycle to prevent arromization, so ive been doing that. I really gotta start befriending the juice heads in my gym. thanks

All 3 compounds you are on have long esters and are just gonna start kicking in now. You do not need 800mg of test a week with 800mg of EQ. If you stop the Deca now you wasted all of it, it needs to be ran 16 weeks. The EQ needs to be ran 16 weeks. The test C needs to be ran 17 weeks. 2 weeks after your last shot of test( test is ran 1 week longer than deca and EQ) start your pct.

I don't really want to get into Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) right now but you need that too with this cycle. Proviron is not enough for PCT, look up pct.
Look up HCG.

Sounds like you already started? You kinda went in balls deep without being sure of proper protocall. If you have anymore questions after you researched we are all ears!