EQ only cycle


New member
I have done some research and I am planning my first cycle.

Has anyone done an EQ only cycle??
I have heard people doign D-bol only cycles so I wsa thinking that the anabolic effects of EQwould work well, I mean you can take it for a long time, it will slolwly lean you out while helping with muscle, has very low sides and does not aromatize to DHT or Estrogen hardly at all- seems like a good choice.

My original plan for my first cycle was Test Cyp at 500mg week and EQ at 500mg week for 16 weeks but I was wondering if I could just run EQ by itself.
i tried it 1x just to see what eq would do alone kinda like a research thing lol anyhow i did 600mgs then 1g for 16 weeks gained about 12 pounds and I ate a ton but if I had to rate it 1-10 it would be a 4 12 pounds I think came from eating from it giving me an appetite
Perfection Awaits said:
My buddy's on it now, and he hates it...horrible leg cramps, n hardly any gains. Dont do dbol only, ull lose it all.

I disagree. A dbol only cycle will not be unproductive, however test as we all know is better.
I would say its not a good idea to do a EQ only cycle...you should add some test...preferably propianate.
i am currently on an eq only cycle

im liking it.. no bloat... havent gained alot but i am hungry all the time

only 2 weeks in
matty2412 said:
I disagree. A dbol only cycle will not be unproductive, however test as we all know is better.
I would say its not a good idea to do a EQ only cycle...you should add some test...preferably propianate.

why prop? test is test nither holds more or less water than the other even thought everybody thinx prop holds less, but theres no difference in tests just the ester and time it inters and does its job, so why the prop?
No reason to use prop unless you are subject to steroid testing or some shit like that. 99% of us recommend long ester testosterone.
DaddyD said:
why prop? test is test nither holds more or less water than the other even thought everybody thinx prop holds less, but theres no difference in tests just the ester and time it inters and does its job, so why the prop?

I suggested Prop. because its shorter acting....whenever I cycle it I can "feel" the drug much faster. I think it would be better to cycle with EQ because it (EQ) takes longer to kick in. I would rather cycle with a short acting test with a long acting steriod like EQ or at least front load with the Prop untill the EQ kicks in.....I cant usually feel the eq for about 3 weeks.
If I were to be cycleing Winstrol (winny) or Tren for example I would opt for Test Enathate which I love because its cheaper and very effective. Again Deca I would prefer to stack with Test Prop.
Finally, I do not feel that Test Prop carries with it as much water retention but thats just my opinion and is how I tolerate the drug. What do you guys think?
I think he's trying to stick to that one compound rule dfor his 1st cycle. That's what alot of the mods etc recomend.