EQ or Prop or Winny


Alleged Fatass!
EQ or Prop or Winstrol (winny) for a girl? My boys girl wants to take some gear and cant get a hold of VAr so what would be the next best so that she is still a lady and not one of the boys?
What has she done before? What about Primo tabs? I had some serious southern swelling on Prop, Eq I was strong as a mother f-er, and Winstrol (winny) is mostly used as a precontest drug, but never done it.
She has never done anything and primo is a crap shoot with ligitamacy so, How was the EQ as far as results and staying ladylike?
Acne was more than I was comfoortable with..Water weight I had prolly 5lbs of water, and I crashed REAL hard post cycle. Other than that, no real physical changes. My lifts were AMAZING, though. I was weighing around 138 and I benched 165 for 3. I say the most significant cycle for me was Prop. Never do it again. Some swelling down south that DID go away, but my voice for sure got deeper. My dad has been the only one to say anything, but he keeps asking me if I got a cold. I dunno what I'm gonna do...But remember what it did or didnt do for me may do to her. I've heard of several women who experience deepened voice and sweeling, etc. on EQ...:)
My girlfriend just finished a cycle of Winstrol (winny) and she did great! She got a few pimples on her shoulders but it hardened her up big time and she put on some good muscle.
She had the 25mg caps. I believe she started with 25mg every other day and then went up to 25mg every day. I don't think she ever went to 50mg but let me check on that.
Fyre said:
She had the 25mg caps. I believe she started with 25mg every other day and then went up to 25mg every day. I don't think she ever went to 50mg but let me check on that.

Wow really 25mgs a day? My friend got sides at at 20- deepened voice- acne, bloating... I would start low with the winny..

Why not Anavar (var) Popi? this is her first cycle..
Yep she did 25mg per day. I know I thought that would be too much too but she started with 25 every other day and wasn't getting the results that she wanted, so she went up to 25 a day.
She didn't retain much water either, she actually hardened up nicely.
I guess everyone reacts differently. :p
Nicole said:
Wow really 25mgs a day? My friend got sides at at 20- deepened voice- acne, bloating... I would start low with the winny..

Why not Anavar (var) Popi? this is her first cycle..

Well, my friend just shotgunned 100mg of Primo last night, (the boat was late getting in!)along with 10mgs of Var/day and 2 IU of gh...She was on another board asking about sides...Some women had deepened voice on Primo..anyone here have that? However, the people whose voice did deepen on EQ, also deepened on Primo. Mine did not deepen on EQ, just Prop. Any ideas on this? Could it be that they are just more susceptible to it..Like higher/lower progesterone/estrogen levels?

I really cannot afford to have it drop anymore!! People say it dropped when I was on Prop, but now they say it's back to normal....BUT IT AIN'T... It's great; every time I talk to my dad he's like"You gotta cold?"
BTW- does anybody have any home remedies I could do to make it a little higher? LOL...No really!
I only did one cycle of prop a few months ago. One permanent side I got was some facial hair on my chin...gonna have that lazered off. I also noticed that while I was on cycle I had to pluck my eyebrows every day...normally I can go 3 days...that returned to normal once off cycle. Southern swelling was minor (and enjoyable) and temporary...it went away within a week after being off. I didn't have much water retention but I was using dandelion root at the same time to help prevent that. I had no problems coming off and I liked the emotional well being it gave me when I was on. I'd rather do Anavar (var) but couldn't get any at the time. I don't mind injections, but EOD was litterally a pain in the ass.
Popichulo said:
What type of dosage did she run and for how long?

She ran it for 10 weeks. I asked her on the weekend and she said she started out with 25mg every other day and then after two weeks went up to 25mg a day.
ya you have to be careful, I know a girl who used the exact same amount and had same sides as nicole said. The most evident being the voice.
Popichulo said:
5mg Stanbols.

Why don't u start her with 5mg a day rather than 10mg. You can always increase the dosage. Especially if this is her first cycle. I would start her with 5mg and see how she feels on it before upping it to 10mg. ;)