Erectile dysfunction 4 weeks after coming off tren/test cycle


New member
Hi guys looking for some information, if anyone has every experienced this before, recently I ran a cycle of test e and tren e, test at 550mgs pw and tren at 400mgs pw, throughout the course I didn't run an AI, I kept supplementing vit b6 and vit e to combat prolactin sides, the course was intended for 15 weeks but I stopped at 10 weeks as after about 6weeks in I because i became severely depressed felt like shit on a daily basis, off the course now and feel much better (mentally) and pct was as follows,
Day 1-5 150mg clomid
Day 1-5-60mgs nolva
Days 6-13 100mg clomid
Days 6-13 40mgs of nolva
14-30 50mgs of clomid
14-35 20mgs of nolva

Nolva is taken in the morning and clomid before sleeping.

My issue is that I have been been off the steroids for almost 4weeks and I still can't get a proper erection, when with my girlfriend my arousal isn't as high which im sure is from my libido being shit due to natural test production being so low, I have bought some proviron and cialis to try make my dick start working and still no luck nothing has changed, was just wondering how long do you think it will be till I can start having normal erections again after that cycle and is there anything I can do to speed up the process, I am also supplementing tribulus and DAA and ZMA daily.

Kind regards
well, this is why you should be running proper ai/prog drugs while on cycle and always run hcg on cycle

you need bloodwork to pinpoint the issue

tren is very suppressive.. it can take longer to recover
You were likely depressed due to high estrogen and high Prolactin. You can see how women get moody when their estrogen is high. And Prolactin counteracts dopamine. Dopamine makes you happy.

High estrogen and high Prolactin also make it really hard for your penis to work when your brain wants it to. Your testosterone may have not recovered well after your cycle which will affect your sexual health among other things.

You are taking powerful drugs that have serious side effects. You should learn how they work.

Stop taking the proviron immediately. You need to focus on letting your HPTA recover. Get blood work so you can see what is going one with your body

Stick around and read a lot. You have a lot yo learn. Start with that FAQs thread as it will link you to a lot of good information housed on this site.
Will proviron hinder HTPA recovery?? and I went to the docs and they just said come back in 12weeks if everythings the same, whats the best way to get my HTPA back up and running just continue with PCT and then just wait??
Will proviron hinder HTPA recovery?? and I went to the docs and they just said come back in 12weeks if everythings the same, whats the best way to get my HTPA back up and running just continue with PCT and then just wait??

Yes, proviron is an anabolic hormone and will hinder your recovery.
Will proviron hinder HTPA recovery?? and I went to the docs and they just said come back in 12weeks if everythings the same, whats the best way to get my HTPA back up and running just continue with PCT and then just wait??

Can't advise you on what you should do next without blood work. We would be completely guessing as to what might be the problem.

See my signature for info on getting blood work and the FAQs thread. Make sure you include Prolactin in your blood work.
Find a doctor that deals with AAS users, he'll know exactly what to look for and how to get you back on track/cycle safely.
Went to the docs about my hormones this was after 3 weeks of suffering from ED (since being of cycle), I am a british citizen and went to my GP said no point doing bloodwork till you have been off steroids for atleast 12 weeks because my hormones will be all over the place, but when I went I told her about the mental side effects e.g tren depression but thats subsided now I didn't tell her about the ED, do you think she might act upon it if I tell her?
The libido problem has very little to do with the tren u were running, and everything to do with your natural test levels needing time to recover.

Will they recover fully? Maybe, maybe not... It's not unusual for it to take 6 months for libido to recover in many cases.

As for the pct u ran... how long after your last shot of test did you begin pct? 3 weeks would have been ideal

If libido doesn't return after 3 months, run another full pct regimen
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I waited 2weeks after last jab then started PCT, and do you think once this course of PCT runs out I should not take anything till I hit the 3month mark if things aren't better? and should I add in some HCG next time or ? what PCT regimen would you recommend if things aren't better by 3months?
I waited 2weeks after last jab then started PCT, and do you think once this course of PCT runs out I should not take anything till I hit the 3month mark if things aren't better? and should I add in some HCG next time or ? what PCT regimen would you recommend if things aren't better by 3months?

If things aren't better after three months...

Run HCG 500iu EOD for 2 weeks, then start pct meds (clomid 50mg, nolva 30mg) for 30 days... should help a bit
hope everything returns back to normal. tren can shut you down majorly so having everythng set before running is essential! libido crashes suck. best of luck man!
You are shutdown hard. E2 was probably crazy high on cycle, so you felt like garbage. You can try pct. Steroids usually lead to permanent impairment of testicular function. In some rare cases, people get their HPTA back to normal, but usually you will never be back at baseline. The theory is that HCG during AAS use will mitigate some if not all of the testicular atrophy/function that you get from AAS. The next problem is getting the brain to signal the testes to start producing testosterone again via LH/FSH. You didn't do HCG and 19-nors supress like a motherfucker. It might take you 12 months to see any kind of improvement.

All we know is that you used to have enough testosterone pre-cycle to get an erection, and now you got nothing. This is a pretty dangerous place to be for your mental and physical well-being. You can try PCT and see if that will help, but you may be looking at TRT. It depends on the person. I mean, you had a moderate dose of 19-nor and the estradiol of a 21 year woman at her peak levels coursing through your veins = Shutdown to hell.

Estradiol is a strong HPTA suppressor itself.