Hello guys, im just finshing my cycle of 12 weeks of tren ace and test prop, cycle was 350 test and 500 tren pinned everyday, i used adex i must admit not on a regular way throught the cycle meaning sometimes in would skip one day or two between the dosage what was meant to be 0.5 e3d, but it was always there even if it was e4d or so. The problem is one week ago i stopped the tren and suddenly i started feeling kinda shit, after that i started to have problems staying hard, and of course i started to feel even worse to the point is really hard to get an eraction now. Im continuing the test prop of 350mg per week for more 2 weeks before going into pct. What you guys think could be my problem, im getting bloodwork next week to check total test, estro and proges to see whats going on my body, could be test was too low throught the cycle? Estro too high even tho i was using adex? Proges too high? I thought when estro was in check proges wouldnt get high? Should i start some hcg now with those 2 last weeks of test? Any suggestion is appreciated, thank you for your time.