I reduced it coz i thought it was too much for only 350 test, it was .5 while on tren coz i was terrified of prolactin side effects wich i read come from high estrogen. So whats ur advice, get back on .5 adex? Come back with the tren for 2-3 more weeks and stop both? Cialis?
Thank you
Well, if you are using Tren this surely can't be your first cycle. So you should have experience to know how much AI you need to use for a given Test dose. You must have decided to use .50mg of Adex because that is what worked for you in the past on 350mg of test and blood work confirmed that. So given all that I don't understand why you would change your Adex dose when everything was working fine.
Do you know that Tren does not aromatize?
My advice... I think you are too inexperienced to be cycling with multiple compounds. I recommend coming off everything immediately so you can begin the PCT phase as soon as it all clears.
P.S. In Post #14 I gave you a cialis recommendation.
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