Eropharm 1-AD, any good?


New member
I just found 7 bottles of Ergo 1-AD kicking around in my old stuff and I have 2 questions:

1) it was always stored in a cool dry place, would it still be any good?

2) was it a good PH? Effective?

Thanks for any help!

Oh, there was also a big ole bottle of Biotest Mag-10 in there. What was the deal with that stuff,any good?
you bought 7 bottles of 1-ad & a bottle of mag 10 without knowing if it was good or effective?


Not really the most helpful answer, but if you really feel you need an explanation to actually offer something of value, then yes I bought them right before the ban (about 6 years ago). They got good press, so I took a flyer on them and bought them on a buy one get one free sale. I had 8 bottle but one seems to have gone missing. Lots of things came up in my life (kids, new house, etc) and I never got around to running them

Rather than smart-ass answers I was hoping someone could offer up some real world experience. If they worked as advertised I would give them a shot, if they were found out to basically be bunk I would toss them and move on to something else.
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Not really the most helpful answer, but if you really feel you need an explanation to actually offer something of value, then yes I bought them right before the ban (about 6 years ago). They got good press, so I took a flyer on them and bought them on a buy one get one free sale. I had 8 bottle but one seems to have gone missing. Lots of things came up in my life (kids, new house, etc) and I never got around to running them

Rather than smart-ass answers I was hoping someone could offer up some real world experience. If they worked as advertised I would give them a shot, if they were found out to basically be bunk I would toss them and move on to something else.

toss them.. and move on!! and check the exp. date!! 6 years is a long time bro
I'm a chemist, and I also happen to love 1-AD. Your 1-AD will still be fine after 6 years of room temperature storage in sealed bottles. It's like finding vintage wine in your cellar, you're a very lucky man.

I've never even seen a real bottle of the ergopharm original! I use a british clone from anabolic pharmaceuticles, the packaging is very similar to Ergopharm's, but you get 90 caps. I've run it 3 times, and still value it even though I've progressed to proper 'roids.

First time I ran it for 30 days on it's own, no post cycle therapy (pct)
Second time was stacked with 4-AD (which i don't like much)
Now I'm running it stacked with injectible test enanthate - a dry / wet combo which works great, without any strain on the liver.

1-AD isn't methylated, so you can run it bookended by two liver-harsh methylated oral steroids, and give the old liver a rest.

A few points about 1-AD:-

It's a great, dry bulker - better than primobolan or Anavar in my opinion.
It's cheap
It makes you pee more frequently
It shuts down your HPTA pretty fast
It gives dry, striated bulk, with big dry holes between the muscles
You will need post cycle therapy (pct) afterwards
You've probably had hundreds of PMs from people offering to take that vintage 1995 chateau ergopharm anabolique off your hands!!

It's the best of the true prohormones. It converts at quite high efficiency to 1-testosterone. I think it's the best way of getting 1-test into yourself.
Methyl 1-test is very liver toxic, and acts like a totally different compound when methylated - just like methyl testosterone is nothing like testosterone. It has many bad side effects.
1-testosterone cypionate injectible is rumoured to be a painful injection with lots of tissue irritation.

1 androstenediol (1-AD) has the same 1-2 double bond as primobolan, which allows some to sneak through the liver first pass, making them both orally active. Primo is very expensive, though.

1-AD is quite strong and effective. In 30 days of 3x 100mg pills a day, I usually gain 8-10lbs of high quality muscle, whilst losing a little fat.
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I ran a cycle back in 2002 or so and put on 12lbs of lean mass, it was great, I felt strong as heck on it but remember it made me tired. I didnt eat well, and only followed with 6oxo for "pct" lol... Kept about albs of that and the added strength. It was great for a ph
I ran a cycle back in 2002 or so and put on 12lbs of lean mass, it was great, I felt strong as heck on it but remember it made me tired. I didnt eat well, and only followed with 6oxo for "pct" lol... Kept about albs of that and the added strength. It was great for a ph

Running Primordial Performance's old Dermacrine would've helped mitigate some of the lethargy. The new Andromass coming out soon will make Dermacrine look like training wheels.