Estradiol Level High but is it in the danger zone.

C Cook

New member
So Ive been running 600mg a wk of Test E for 10 weeks. Yes Im a Newb. Everything went well although the gains have just started to noticeably manifest in the last 3-4 weeks. Ive been using HCG from week 2, and 12.5 mg of Aromasin EOD. I have pct ready to go. Ok so actually I want to extend this cycle to 12-14 weeks. I just had a blood test done to see what the heck was going on with me before I extended another couple weeks. Estradiol level is at 75.3, 42.6 being the upper normal range if im understanding my report correctly. I suppose my question is, should I increase Aromasin. My Test level is 4681.
Yes, your estradiol is too high. You need to increase your AI dose. Don't wait so long to run blood work next time.

How does your hematocrit look? How about liver and kidneys? Ideally, post up all your results.
hematocrit is 54.1 Normal Range 37.5 - 51.0 New Apple, hell of a time posting entire report. Thank You Sir, will increase AI dose.
hematocrit is 54.1 Normal Range 37.5 - 51.0 New Apple, hell of a time posting entire report. Thank You Sir, will increase AI dose.

Time to donate a pint of blood too. Your HCT is getting too high.

You might want to consider letting your cycle come to its planned end.
Donating 1 Pint, and increasing AI. Done and Done. Still working on posting the report. Thank you very much for ALL of your advice.
Mega has you covered, end cycle and pct. Get in a habit wether on cycle or not to donate blood every 56 days. It will keep your hermatocrit in check rather than waiting for it to rise and possibly being turned down to donate. Get bloods back to normal, and just remember details for next blast. Time on = time off