estraidol at 174 test at 4120


Pale Gorilla
Got blood work done recently and my values are crazy. I'm on 600 mg week of test and adex at .25 e3d. I need this estrogen to drop fast. Also is my test overdosed? Other guys are not near my levels. I am lethargic, feel sick, no libido, and moody like a bitch. Should I switch to letro now? The adex is g2g but I stopped taking it for a full week because I thought I crashed my e2. I've added 30 to bench and 40 to squat in only 4 weeks but now I feel like shit. Any advice is appreciated guys. Oh I thought my e2 was crashed because of joint pain...I'm an idiot.
4120 total serum test
174 total estraidol
God damn 4k+, and only 600 EW? Up your AI to .5 eod, or E3D. It's going to kinda be a guessing game till labs are performed again, I'd stay away from letro.
Yeeowza 174. Me personally, would get on .5mg EOD and go back in a months time to recheck. Then you can readjust again if necessary.
Thanks guys. So .5 EOD then bloods in 3 weeks is my plan. If I keep feeling like shit I may cut the cycle short. I hope it won't come to that.
Idk not too low though. My younger brother is a trainer and says 18 to 20 percent. Not really a concern to me as looking dry or having abs is not my goal. Looking for size and strength. I'll probably never cut but maybe one day I will change my mind.
Whats optimal is for you to be at 15%ish BF before you cycle. The aromatize enzyme which is responsible for converting test into estrogen is in our fat cells. So higher BF% the more issue one is most likely going to have as far as estrogenic side effects go.
Whats optimal is for you to be at 15%ish BF before you cycle. The aromatize enzyme which is responsible for converting test into estrogen is in our fat cells. So higher BF% the more issue one is most likely going to have as far as estrogenic side effects go.

Yes I get what you're saying and I've been at a lower bf before but it isn't for me. I've always liked being a little bigger as I'm probably the only person who is not a fan of being lean. If I end up with a body type similar to Kevin "da hulk" Washington I would be fine with that. I want a thicker stronger look...maybe 15% would be the lowest I would want to go. If higher bf means more aromatization then I will have to learn to control it.