Pale Gorilla
Got blood work done recently and my values are crazy. I'm on 600 mg week of test and adex at .25 e3d. I need this estrogen to drop fast. Also is my test overdosed? Other guys are not near my levels. I am lethargic, feel sick, no libido, and moody like a bitch. Should I switch to letro now? The adex is g2g but I stopped taking it for a full week because I thought I crashed my e2. I've added 30 to bench and 40 to squat in only 4 weeks but now I feel like shit. Any advice is appreciated guys. Oh I thought my e2 was crashed because of joint pain...I'm an idiot.
4120 total serum test
174 total estraidol
4120 total serum test
174 total estraidol