ethyl oleate...


New member
I am thinking about making a few short estered solutions and have heard that this stuff works the best by far to use.

I was going to order some from here
and wanted to know what is "NF" grade, and if it was suitable for injecting (i.e. no heavy metals and weird shit in it and such).

I also I am condiering it for the rest of my injects becuase of how painless (my stuff is really painless anyways-so this isnt a big attraction) and how healthy it is. It is really just oleic acid with an ester, which is know for its cholesterol lowering abilites. I think it would be a good addition while cycling. What do you guys think?
NF grade means that it passes the U.S. "National Formulary" and Food Chemicals Codex requirements for food and drug applications. so yes its fine for injects afer filtering.

as far as ethyl oleate goes it is normally used as a carrier. it has a very low viscosity (which is nice for injects).

it does however have a low flash point and boiling point. what does ths mean? Winstrol (winny) is out or any other hormone with a high melting point.

not sure why you wanna use this instead of grapeseed if you doing it for health reasons. grapeseed oil is used in treartment of cancer patients. it is also a strong antioxidant.

anyway thats my 2ml.