ethyl oleate


New member
Just a question, can you use this for all your conversions? Is the only detering factor the price compared to grapeseed? I've got a few litres and wanted to do some test cyp without buying more oil.

you got a few liters? lucky you EO is not cheap but yes i guess you can use EO i mean viromone test propp are made in 100% EO
My advice is to either save it for something that can really benefit from it (like prop) or sell it.
Aparently, there's some people having success using it with no ester compounds + guaiacol as well...if that's your thing. Otherwise I'd just use it with prop/phenylprops.
Ethyl Oleate can be bought fairly cheaply over at lemelange. I don't understand all the hype surrounding it though!
dbol said:
Ethyl Oleate can be bought fairly cheaply over at lemelange. I don't understand all the hype surrounding it though!

Supposedly - less painful, easier to filter, easier to shoot, slower absorption, and allows use of smaller pins.
less painfull and you can make high concentrations of short esters hold i know one guy who made tren acetate 300mg/ml in 100% EO and it didnt crash
bmass said:
less painfull and you can make high concentrations of short esters hold i know one guy who made tren acetate 300mg/ml in 100% EO and it didnt crash

I've read 100% EO will melt the plunger. 60/40 or 50/50 EO/Oil was recommended.
I've used it with prop. It filtered so amazing fast using a bottle top filter and a vacuum pump. Grapeseed took noticiably longer.

In terms of pain I've never really noticed any pain. Only if its cold or I'm shooting it to fast. If I do it slowly like say 10 seconds for 1ml I don't see any difference between EO and oil. But even just for how fast it filters I'd use EO.
steeledan said:
I've read 100% EO will melt the plunger. 60/40 or 50/50 EO/Oil was recommended.
A popular UG lab maintains that you need EO to be at least a majority of the carrier to be effective. Haven't heard about melting plungers though...
DocJ said:
A popular UG lab maintains that you need EO to be at least a majority of the carrier to be effective. Haven't heard about melting plungers though...

i have... and there is a slight reaction - i actually noticed this with viromone too...

i'd just go 80/20 with the eo/oil