everyone always asking for stats?


New member
no matter what question is asked on here, there is always somebody who has to ask for stats? if the person asking the question is old enough and has decent lifting experience, thats what counts. genetically not all people can get to 200-250lbs. a small framed guy that naturally weighs say 120-150lbs cannot naturally put on 50-80 pounds of muscle to get to the weight some feel is big enough to do a cycle. what separates a 225 lb guy at 10% bf and a 150lb guy at 10% bf isnt that the bigger guy eats more! its called genetics. everyone can gain muscle but you cant expect guys that normally weigh 120-160 lbs to get to 225lbs. maybe 160lb guy has already put on 20lbs of muscle to get to that weight? just seems like so many guys are hung up on peoples weight when what really matters is the persons overall health, bf, and progress one has made from there starting point reguardless of there weight. just my opion
it happens alot but look at all the dumbass kids that come here looking for advice

ya the kid thing i totally understand like i said but, what im saying is a workout buddy of mine starting at something like 115lbs at close to 30 years old and im guessing he s around 5'9-5'10, just slighty shorter then me. he s put on around 20 lbs in around 3 years he says. good progress, now of course he s still skinny but is this guy ever going to be a lean 225lbs... heck no. thats all im saying
I get what your saying. But most "hard gainers" don't want to consume the food because its beyond their level of comfort. I started at 145 6'1". I got up to 205ish naturally just by eating things I needed to consume. If I would've kept my shit diet of no breakfast and potato chips with fast food and pop, I would've never gotten there. Really you get what you put into it. If u go about it in a half ass way like most do, your not going to see good results. Mixing up your training will see strength increases. Proper diet will get you mass. Rest will get you recovery and help your muscles and body heal.
a small framed guy that naturally weighs say 120-150lbs cannot naturally put on 50-80 pounds of muscle to get to the weight some feel is big enough to do a cycle.

I get what your saying.. Like being big in the first place is some sort of prerequisite to qualify for doing a cycle (and it prob comes from some big guy thats done 30 cycles and was 200 lbs when he was 15... so fking what).
As responsible adults we all have our OWN reasons for choosing to do AAS - and being big to begin with certainly was not a prerequisite for my skinny ass.
Giving advice without knowing the stats is not only stupid but irresponsible. Your stats tell us if you're ready for gear or not and also if the compounds you're askin about are what you need it's like telling a guy to do a test tren and drol cycle as his first
its to make sure u arent helping a 16-18year old plan a cycle out , also to better help the person u are informing . if soemones goals are to only lose 5 pounds and gain some muscle , its helps to know their stats to better inform them what to do , some people dont even need steroids for what they want to achieve , someones height weight and age all play a role here, an older man who wants to cycle is is in greater danger of not recovering as well from a cycle , so stats tell u a little something about where a person is at and is important , also if their problem is just diet training , cardio etc , realy tells alot
All who bitch about stats read fancy's post and take it to heart. Not everyome that wants to do aas needs it and not everyone doin aas is doing it for the proper reasons. Stats really give you a well rounded idea of where a person is and what they need. Sometimes is as simple as a diet cardio and being regimemted instead of finding it in a bottle or at the end of a needle. Yes everyone has their own personal reason to do aas but it is with in us and resposible aas users and adults to keep those that dont need them show them with experience and facts why maybe they should be more diligent about their over all way of living. Just because your a grpwn man dpesnt mean its ok for you to make the choice of doing aas. Its like saying am an adult and I make the choice to drink and drive. Smart people and resposible people will look and asses and give you unadultirated advice. Some people never need touching aas as long as they live like somenpeople never need to drink as oomg as they live. Sometimes repercautions are not just personal.

Has anyone listened to the news lately....yeah AAS is taking another fucking hit.
Has anyone listened to the news lately....yeah AAS is taking another fucking hit.

how so?[/QUOTE]

Oscar Pastoriois the South African amputee who ran in the regular olympocs. He alegedly shot his girlfriend and the "big" news was they found test and alcohol in his room. Not that the guy was fucked up as am listening to it as I type.