EVERYONES OPINNION ON A TREN E & TEST E CYCLE averaged out to be the best cycle!!


New member
i have done quite a bit of research on here and else where. lots of varying ideas. so i wanted to get them in one place at one time, average them out, to make one of the best cycles out there. i need every ones input here on this specific cycle to get it boiled down to the best one. personal experience and "on paper" descriptions... sometimes they are different!

here we go;

i am gonna do a tren e and test e cycle next round. deca and masteron seem to be the fav addition to this. hcg through out and clomid at the end i think caber for ai if i have that right?

please with this basic cycle ( tren & test) being the constant.. all opinions on what to make this the most effective cycle in general would be greatly appreciated. i want every bodies opinions and y? so i can thin it out, add it to my own experience, then come up with something that almost could be a cookie cutter cycle. ( i know there are exceptions) but for the majority kinda thing..

it is very difficult navigating all over the internet to piece this stuff together, when most of you guys have the majority figured out!! this is how society progresses, share info, if you make everyone "look it up" for them selves, we would still be riding horses!! lol

There's nothing "basic" about a test and tren cycle. People are going to need some details about you before they can give input.

So let's hear about those stats, age, cycle history, years training and diet. :)
Come on guys he's just looking for your everyday, cookie cutter test/tren/deca/mast cycle for your average gym goer. ;)

Like HW said, no one can help you without knowing your stats and what you're trying to get out of it, but I'll start by saying caber is a dopamine agonist not an AI
i am sayin use tren and test AS the base i am gonna do that no matter what.. just wanna see what the best additions to that are. regardless of stats, x amount of people used tren & test, with their additions, i want as many of those senerios as possible from those people how it worked for them, what their amounts are, ai? etc.... i promise you this u use 600 tren e 400 test e 500 decca 600 masteron you will grow!! peroid now that of course needs to be tweaked for best results and saftey..

so this is my point of the people that used tren and test, what did you add to it, that in your own personal opinion, worked the best for you?? thats it that simple when i get thier stats, what they used how well it worked etc,, then i can try to make an informed decission based on my stats.... if i give you my stasts, you r gonna give me YOUR opinion on what you think I should do wich i suppose is ok, but i want YOUR recipe that worked for you guys, so i can se if there is a pattern

here r my stats though on 5th cycle now in 3 years, time on time off. 5'11'' 160lbs 5 or 6% bf 44yo now. all other cycles were just sus, now sus, 250tren. and eq hcg through out, clomid for the end..
still learnin, we all do till we die... any info is appreciated,

thanx if i forgot anything, just ask..
thanx dickey, for the ai correction on caber,,,, just save me yet more time researchin on this thing..!! i do appreciate it.... where i get my gear they do have certain " cookie cutter" packages! bulk, cuts, strength etc.... so there is some science to that! a lot in those packages too much for me i think... so bust my balls i guess but i have see it..i get my gear online... if i am allowed to abreviate, i will if you want, if i don't get into trouble so u can see for yourself...:)
i am sayin use tren and test AS the base i am gonna do that no matter what.. just wanna see what the best additions to that are. regardless of stats, x amount of people used tren & test, with their additions, i want as many of those senerios as possible from those people how it worked for them, what their amounts are, ai? etc.... i promise you this u use 600 tren e 400 test e 500 decca 600 masteron you will grow!! peroid now that of course needs to be tweaked for best results and saftey..

so this is my point of the people that used tren and test, what did you add to it, that in your own personal opinion, worked the best for you?? thats it that simple when i get thier stats, what they used how well it worked etc,, then i can try to make an informed decission based on my stats.... if i give you my stasts, you r gonna give me YOUR opinion on what you think I should do wich i suppose is ok, but i want YOUR recipe that worked for you guys, so i can se if there is a pattern

here r my stats though on 5th cycle now in 3 years, time on time off. 5'11'' 160lbs 5 or 6% bf 44yo now. all other cycles were just sus, now sus, 250tren. and eq hcg through out, clomid for the end..
still learnin, we all do till we die... any info is appreciated,

thanx if i forgot anything, just ask..

Here's the thing. AAS works differently for every individual and the ONLY "cookie cutter" cycle (that even has exceptions) would be a test only cycle often used for a first or second time.

This is why stats are important as there's a HUGE difference between a guy that has never touched AAS, and someone looking at their 5th cycle after experimenting a bit. It also prevents us from recommending cycles to the young folks that will inevitably hurt themselves as hormones have a profound effect on their still-developing bodies.

What are you looking to get out of the cycle? Bulking or cutting? Is this for personal aesthetic reasons, or are you planning on competing?

Sure, I could list all the compounds I've enjoyed with test and tren, but my goals (and requirements) are likely different than yours.
good points halfwit, i think some go without sayin, but maybe not..lol some people are impressionable i am goin to gym now gotta couple of latina ladies i am trainin..;) i do like the latinas lol so ill give a good response in a few hrs again i appreciate your and everyones input... but also remember, i want everybody elses sucess with the tren and test plus what they did.. even if i were a 70 yo nun!..lol i would like ur opinions for me, but also what worked for each and everyone of you guys.. priceless info thanx.. ill be back in a few..
Would like to know your experience cycling cuz to be honest, it doesn't sound like your even closely ready for a cycle like this. Red flags would be caber for an ai and clomid at the end. List your most previous cycle including gear used, ancillaries, and pct.
i did so much reading, just mixed up the caber for an ai.. i am of course glad i was corrected..lol all other cycles were just sus nothin else, 500 first time 12 weeks 750 the other two times, close to 1000 the 4th. clomid and nolva first time nolva made me feel weird so dropped it finished clomid 50 a day from start. 4weeks then naturals like tribulus etc... gained 20 lbs first cycle kept it all! all other cycles 5 or 7 lbs but lost it! so i know somethin is up. my friend got me started he is knowledgeable but with holds info for what ever reason,, thats y i am here.. current cycle started @ 750 sus 500 eq no results in two months so added tren e @250/wk and sus to 1000 now startin to gain a lil 3 weeks left on this cycle... no ai this is where again i need a lil help i have no gyno issues, not even a lil sore.. nothin.. i know estrogen is priobably up and other stuff but again.. i am here..lol also doin hcg 500/wk that definately keeps the grapes plump! clomid for the end 100 a day for a week 5 or 6 weeks @ 50per day til gone have two packs of 30 will be doin naturals here too .tribulus, etc hope this is enough to get u guys a good laugh, but follow up with correction please..i am gonna do the tren e and test e nexttime. but i wanna do it perfectly,,so all combinations would be appreciated plus any ai or whatever else.. i was 122lbs @25 years old 4% body fat looked like a anorexics pee wee herman lol so 135 @ 35 years ol 140 or so at 40 workin out for 20 years or so last 10 consectuive wanna be 200 or 210 just for me, no contest or show or anything, just for me.. anytime i gain weight i stay in the 5 to maybe 8% bf range so not worried about gettin husky again all opinions on me, and PLEASE all ur personal experiences with a tren e test e plus what evr else you used would also be greatly appreciated..

thax guys... go ahead, beat me up now.. lol
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If that's you in your profile pic, your definitely not 5-7% bodyfat. You really have no business running that much gear. Especially with no knowledge of how to use an ai or pct. It's pretty obvious your diet is the problem. Your not eating anything. Your expecting huge amounts of gear to make up for diet. Doesn't work like that. You don't need any cycle advice. You need diet advice...
that is me, i was calipered many times that pic is 7% i know calipers aren't as good as the tank but ball park anyway...i eat 1.5 time protien of body weight tryin to do 3 to 4000 total calories my body defies the laws of physics lol i suppose i could do 2x protien ill work on it.. just tell me what you would do for yourself as far as a tren and test with ai etc... illl work on the rest, thanx..
Lol, you asked to be beat up, I think tbonexl fit the bill. :spin:

First and foremost, you need to be incorporating blood tests. You're not running an AI with a gram of test... I don't care if you're 4% body fat or have god-like genetics - either your test is bunk, or you're not aware of the symptoms that come from high estradiol.

Privatemdlabs.com or mdlabs.com are popular online services that offer fast results and allow you to fine tune a cycle. They also help weed out scammers selling oil with a pinch of hormone in them. I would certainly get on that as estradiol can bring on a whole world of hurt for you including prostatitis and blood clotting. Neither of which have warning signs until it's getting to a terrible point.

To be fair, and since you've been a good sport (you should take tbonexl's advice) - I've had very good experiences with:

SD/deca/test/tren/masteron, test/tren/tbol, test/tren/masteron, test/tren/proviron/anavar, test/tren/deca, and test/tren/m1t/NPP.

Doses have varied on the test from 350mg/wk to over 2g/wk. I advise that some experimentation be done in small steps as crossing the threshold from awesome to WTF just happened can be the difference of as little as 50mg of a compound (namely tren).

Masteron should be run at a minimum of 600mg/wk in my experience, and deca will vary depending on what you want from it. Therapeutic doses are around 200mg and anabolic effects are usually noticed (IME) starting around 400-600mg/wk.

The orals will greatly depend on personal tolerance, but once again - baby steps help a great deal. I strongly advise you read the FAQ sticky at the top of the AAS forum as it contains a TREMENDOUS amount of information that will help you best optimize things in the future. It covers AI usage, DA usage, and other great items that everyone should know BEFORE they put that pin in their body.

I'm not going to nitpick on the diet as tbonexl said it far more directly than I could have. I do suggest you visit the diet section too as the GREATEST contributor to a cycle's success is diet, bar-none.

I hope that gives you some food for thought and answers some of your questions. By the way, gaining 7lbs of fat-free mass on a cycle is VERY good. Too many guys associate water weight with "gains" and are usually disappointed when they lose it after PCT.
i am definitely gettin a blood test before this cycle is done....i am probably 6 or 7% bf now the 4% is from when i was 135 lbs and less.. long ago..protien powders rise my billy ruben levels in the liver and made me violently sick.. amonxt other oral things, so i will stay away from oral anything if possible..it is funny that protien powders screw me up, but no injections ever got me sick!! i totally appreciate you and tbonexl's info....now i can research specfic things you guys mentioned, instead of the whole world of aas... i will get there eventually but ill fine tune for each cycle and eventually get a good info bank myself

so now my goal is to research specifics for;

diet related to a tren test cycle if there is a unique one for such a thing

best ai, da, and pct for above cycle

amounts of tren, test, decca, and masteron.. lots say half test to tren i think ill go that way

quick idea on table for now would be somethin like this; 600 tren e 300 test e 600 masteron
500 decca 500hcg, ai @ (researchin that now) pct clomid for now and whatever else is recommended.

blood work before i go on the program, and during.. i am in fl, so no prob gettin testin done!

k guys this even in the ball park?? please tweak, i really am gettin good avenues to specifically research now...keep the info coming if u would, ill get an awesome plan eventually with this info leadin me to a safer and effective place, again, thanx...
All this research.. and you've missed that 95% of people will recommend that you do not do Tren and Deca together. That typically one will only add one compound in at a time.. one extra compound per cycle, whilst also abiding by the 1 Test, 1 19-nor, and one DHT.

That you should absolutely use Nolvadex and Clomid for x amount of weeks at x amount per day per week.

That Prami or Caber are not considered AIS

That a real AI be used at x amount based one what you've learned about yourself through previous cycles.



And this is just the drugs.. you're 160lbs. Get real.
Apparently some do use Deca and Tren same cycle.. didn't read all of Halfwits post...

Second thoughts, I guess it's okay. But, in your case you haven't actually added in just one thing before. Your third cycle you could have added something, fourth cycle something else, instead you just raised test dose. What happens if you add Deca and Tren and Masteron for the first time and something outrageous happens to your health.. what will be the culprit? Well, of course the drugs.. but which one in particular.. they aren't all made equal but their sides can be somewhat similar and people's bodies react so differently from person to person that it will be nearly impossible to tell for sure which one it was..

If you want to do Tren, do 250mg of Test and run Tren A alongside it. Use a modest dose for your first time. Approach this responsibly. Since it's a short ester, if the sides get out of control it will be easy to cut your losses early and not have to deal with them long term. Dial in your diet for your goal.

Next cycle add in Mast. Then you'll do Test, Tren, and Mast.
There is, and always will be one 'cookie cutter' cycle for all AAS users...


To even comprehend throwing all of the aforementioned harsh compounds into a hat and think of coming up with the magic mix of dosages and variations is nonsensical. So I think you're extremely naive to even suggest it.

It is also blatantly obvious to me that even though you have 5 cycles under your belt - you haven't grasped the basics of progressive cycling. Starting with Test only, and then adding in ONE compound at a time, on each new cycle, to see how you're body reacts and responds to this new addition.

I politely suggest that you go away, read, educate yourself on how to build up your own AAS expertise in the correct manner, because trying to lay out a 'one size fits all' cycle for everyone to copy - is a recipe for disaster.
nice info bigben and hypnotx, thanx again.. i was sleepin last night and it dawned on me that two 19-nor compounds is usually not run...although i know sometimes things do defy what u were taught and work anyway.. but i think i'll stick with the tren and test.. maybe masteron. just 3 to be safer. on tren e @ 250 now sus and eq no sides so if i go with the afore mentioned cycle, masteron will basically be the only added compound so i can see if i react to that... the sus i am on now actually has 5 as opposed to 4 compuonds.. sus 270 so lots of compounds in there no sides, so i think i am safe with test.. ;) HYPNOTIX i am on a bit of tren e now.. no sides. so if that is the case, still tren a in your opinion? tren a is stronger with more sides. .. thats y i did tren e i will front loadd on the next cycle if using heavy compounds just as to not waste time up front.. basically kick start u could say.

BIGBEN my guy never got specific with your process of tryin one thing (test) then addin olong the way.. super smart advise . as i am in muscle car field am actually an excellent mechanic, when i do a mod on something, you do ONE at a time so you know if it hurt you or helped you!! so i totally get that..maybe gettin a lil reckless on my part, but 122lbs to 140lbs my hole life sucked!! never did any drug at all!! and only recently startin takin walgreens migrane reliefe, cause my migrains in the last 10 years have gotten bad.. hereditary. and i feel guily about that! so this aas stuff is my last hurah and done right can be very benificial. as opposed to other crap people put into their bodies... meth, cocaine, heroin, alchol! etc i have read a study on ai stuff i don't know if i believe it or not, i will post in on the nest window, tell me what u guys think

again thax mucho, BIGBEN & HIPNOTIX
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ok guys lots to read, but i need to know what you think on this!! I DID NOT WRIGHT THIS..LOL just found it while doin research.. ;)

Can estrogen work to augment muscle growth? Is this hormone always unwanted when we are taking anabolic steroids? Anecdotal reports from athletes suggest that the use of estrogen maintenance drugs such as tamoxifen (anti-estrogen) or aminoglutethimide (anti-aromatase) may slightly hinder muscle mass gains during steroid therapy. An explanation or even clarification for this observation has not been easy to come by. Here I would like to take a look at the comparative effectiveness of certain aromatizable and non-aromatizable drugs, as well as the possible mechanism in which estrogen can play a beneficial role to the athlete.

The Androgen Receptor
All anabolic/androgenic steroids promote muscle growth primarily via the cellular androgen receptor (abbreviated as AR in this article). The steroid attaches to and activates the androgen receptor, which ultimately gives the cell an order to increase protein synthesis. This process is well understood. But it has been suggested that other mechanisms may foster muscle growth during steroid therapy as well, which lie outside of the androgen receptor. One way this is evidenced is by the fact that steroids displaying a high affinity for the AR in muscle tissue do not always promote an equally high level of muscle growth. In other words, anabolic potency does not always correspond perfectly to receptor affinity. Clearly there are some disparities that lead into question whether or not the androgen receptor is the only thing at work concerning growth.

testosterone, Nandrolone and Methenolone
testosterone is without question one of the most effective steroids for building muscle mass available to athletes. However it does not have the highest affinity for the androgen receptor compared to some other steroids. For example, it has been shown that by eliminating the 19-methyl group (nandrolone) the affinity of the steroid for the androgen receptor is greatly enhanced. Nandrolone thus displays approximately 2-3 times greater affinity for the androgen receptor compared to testosterone, yet its ability to promote muscle growth seems to be considerably lower than testosterone at an equal dosage. One discussed possibility for this occurrence is the reduced androgenic potency of nandrolone. While testosterone converts to the more active steroid dihydrotestosterone (3-4 times greater AR affinity) upon interaction with the 5-alpha reductase enzyme in various androgenic target tissues such as the skin, scalp, prostate, central nervous system and liver, nandrolone drops to a third of its original potency by converting to the weak steroid dihydronandrolone[ii]. However this action is very site specific, and in muscle tissue nandrolone dominates as the active form of the steroid. Therefore this explanation may not suffice.

Nandrolone also differs from testosterone in its ability to be converted by the aromatase enzyme to estradiol (an active estrogen). In comparison, nandrolone aromatizes at approximately 20% of the rate testosterone does, and as such is not known as a very estrogenic steroid. It is likewise favored when reduced estrogenic side effects such as water retention, fat deposition and gynecomastia are desired. However athletes know that there is a trade off with the reduced tendency for nandrolone to promote side effects, in that it is a less anabolic steroid. With its known high affinity for the AR in muscle tissue, could this suggest that estrogen may also be a key mediator of muscle growth?

When we look at Primobolan® (methenolone) we see a similar trend. Methenolone is at least as good a binder of the androgen receptor as testosterone. By some accounts it is on par with nandrolone[iii]. However it is known to be much weaker than both steroids at promoting muscle growth. We know that methenolone does not interact with 5-alpha reductase, and as such its affinity for the AR does not increase or decrease in androgen target tissues. This would logically seem like a more favorable trait for anabolism over the weakening we see with nandrolone. However methenolone is a markedly weaker anabolic, and requires relatively high doses to promote growth. This also brings into question the role of 5-alpha reductase in promoting an anabolic state. Perhaps the fact that Primobolan® is a non-aromatizable steroid is more relevant.

Estrogen and gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - /igf-1
To date the most common explanation for why anti-estrogens may be slightly counterproductive to growth in the sports literature has been the suggestion that estrogen plays a role in the production of growth hormone and IGF-1. IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor 1, formerly known as somatomedin C) is of course an anabolic product released primarily in the liver via gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - stimulus. IGF-1 is responsible for the growth promoting effects (increased nitrogen retention, cell proliferation) we associate with growth hormone therapy. We do know that women have higher levels of growth hormone than men, and also that gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - secretion varies over the course of the menstrual cycle in direct correlation with estrogen levels[iv]. Estrogen is likewise often looked at as a key trigger in the release of gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - in women under normal physiological situations.

It is also suggested that the aromatization of androgens to estrogens in men plays an important role in the release and production of gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - and IGF-1. This was evidenced by a 1993 study of hypogonadal men, comparing the effects of testosterone replacement therapy on gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - and IGF-1 levels with and without the addition of tamoxifen[v]. When the anti-estrogen tamoxifen was given, gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - and IGF-1 levels were notably suppressed, while both values were elevated with the administration of testosterone enanthate alone. Another study has shown 300mg of testosterone enanthate weekly (which elevated estradiol levels) to cause a slight IGF-1 increase in normal men, whereas 300mg weekly of nandrolone decanoate (a poor substrate for aromatase that caused a lowering of estradiol levels in this study) would not elevate IGF-1 levels[vi]. Yet another study shows that gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - and IGF-1 secretion is increased with testosterone administration on males with dela puberty, while dihydrotestosterone (non-aromatizable) seems to suppress gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - and IGF-1 secretion, presumably due to its strong anti-estrogenic/gonadotropin suppressing action[vii]. All of these studies seem to support a direct, estrogen-dependant mechanism for gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - and/or IGF-1 release in men. It is difficult to say at this point just how important estrogen is to IGF-1 production as it relates to the promotion of anabolism in the steroid using athlete, however it remains an interesting subject to investigate.

Glucose Utilization and Estrogen
Estrogen may play an even more vital role in promoting an anabolic state by affecting glucose utilization in muscle tissue. This occurs via an altering the level of available glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase. G6PD is an important enzyme in the support anabolism, as it is directly tied to the use of glucose for muscle growth and recuperation[viii] [ix]. During the period of regeneration after skeletal muscle damage, levels of G6PD are shown to rise dramatically. G6PD enzyme plays a vital role in what is known as the pentose phosphate pathway, and as such this rise is believed to enhance the PPP related process in which nucleic acids and lipids are synthesized in cells; fostering the repair of muscle tissue.

A 1980 study at the University of Maryland has shown that levels of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase rise after administration of testosterone propionate, and further that the aromatization of testosterone to estradiol is directly responsible for this increase.[x] In this study neither dihydrotestosterone nor fluoxymesterone could mimic the affect of testosterone propionate on levels of G6PD, an affect that was also blocked by the addition of the potent anti-aromatase 4-hydroxyandrostenedione to testosterone. 17-beta estradiol administration caused a similar increase in G6PD, which was not noticed when its inactive estrogen isomer 17-alpha estradiol (unable to bind the estrogen receptor) was given. An anti-androgen could also not block the positive action of testosterone. This study provides one of the first palatable explanations for a direct and positive effect of estrogen on muscle tissue.

What does this all mean?
It is a long held belief among athletes that estrogen maintenance drugs can slightly hinder muscle gains during steroid therapy with a strong aromatizable steroid such as testosterone. Whether or not we have plausibly explained this remains to be seen, however the above evidence certainly does provide strong support for a direct and positive affect of estrogen on growth. Does this mean we should abandon estrogen maintenance drugs? I donâ***8364;***8482;t think that should be the case. It is important to remember that estrogen can deliver many unwanted effects such as increased water retention, fat deposition and the development of female breast tissue when it becomes too active in the male body. Clearly if we plan a high-dose cycle with an aromatizable steroid, anti-estrogens will be an important inclusion. However we cannot ignore the suggestion of using estrogen maintenance drugs only when they are necessary to combat visible side effects during mild to moderately dosed cycles, especially if bulk is the ultimate goal of the athlete.

WhiteLedgen, Dec 14, 2013