Evidence steroids are harmful to those under the age of 25?

There may not be studies of the effects of babies who drink liqueur but common sense tells use its not a good idea.
Your logic is flawed. Common sense tells us a lot of conflicting information and is not reliable. 30 years ago we thought one sip of alcohol during pregnancy was not harmful at all (common sense confirms this thought-how can one sip of wine harm a child?), yet now we know that even an ounce of wine can severely impact a child's development.

Since I suffer from PTSD and my Bachelors is in Human Services before tvis hormone replacement I did A LOT IF RESEARCH. on mental health and the use if steroids. The frontal lobe is not finished growing until the age if 25. Research has shown that because some participants can suffer from depression that the use if steroids in young adults can arrest the growth of the frontal lobe causing depression to include bipolar disorder. Tgis means the use of medication for the rest if their lives. I am 40 and the use if steroids was rampent throigh out my high school amd even in some aspects of the military of what I did personally. I would have never used unless i was in the situation I am now with low test production or later on like now. Jusy because YOU DO NOT SUFFER SIDE EFFECTS it does bot mean no one else will. Count yourself lucky. With what I know about brain development and age I would never suggest anyone to use steroids well after the mid 20s.
Younger people actually have better chances of fully healing. I know a lot of people who started juicing at a young age and turned out fine. IMO it's mostly broscience just like the 8 meal bullshit. Esp on this forum. If you look closely most people don't even have avis here and if you've got a decent physique you realize these are not the kind of people you want to be taking advice from anyway.
The unanimous consent on this forum is that steroids for people under the age of 25 are extremely harmful. Where is the evidence for this? Most posters retort facts about the HPTA and how the body already has a good degree of natural testosterone.

I understand the majority of young people do not have the discipline nor the knowledge to properly use AAS.

I'm finishing up my neuroscience/psychology major and one thing I've learned time and time again is the body is extremely resilient at a young age. Whereas when people become older, the body has an increasingly more difficult time to recover.

I simply do not see any evidence for why a 20 year old male will have more severe health effects than a 30 year old male who is taking steroids? THere is no way the 30 year old male's HPTA is more efficient and allows for better recovery.

If you're going to simply retort arguments without evidence, please do not post. I have tried to find evidence for both sides of the argument and have not found much.

Simple.... you are not finished development till about the age of 24-27.... steroid use can halt this development and mess your "system" up for life.

someone in there 30's or 40's has developed all they are going to at this point.
its more then just height, its internal.... from soft tissue functions and development to even bone development and your hormones may be messed up for life with use of steroids at a young age. (even at 22)
there is ALLOT of info on this out there, not sure why you didnt find it.
you need a collective amount of knowledge and then you will see all this it is not as simple as one article.

Hope that helps.
Your logic is flawed. Common sense tells us a lot of conflicting information and is not reliable. 30 years ago we thought one sip of alcohol during pregnancy was not harmful at all (common sense confirms this thought-how can one sip of wine harm a child?), yet now we know that even an ounce of wine can severely impact a child's development.


I did my first cycle when i as 17 I was 6 Ft at 17 and then two years after that i was 6ft 2inches. 3 years after that!. IM now 6ft 4inches. STEROIDS DID NOT MAKE ME STOP GROWING!! I DONT KNOW WHY PEOPLE SAY THEY DO! I GREW AFTER DOING THEM!

1) not everyone is the same but most would halt growth.
2) height is the LEAST important thing we are talking about buddy.....
1) not everyone is the same but most would halt growth.
2) height is the LEAST important thing we are talking about buddy.....

100% in agreeance. Theres more to life on as to how tall you are. Hell even if how much muscle u pack on. I think most of us have weighed the peos and cons or dont have a choice because of what life and our bodies have done to us. Most kids under the age of 25 have nothing to look back on and think retrospectavly and kfully weigh the consequences.
....and how old are you now?
Looking back, did the swinging hormones contribute to any academic, social, familial hardships at all? If not, I'd say you were an anomaly.
Are you in professional sports, or do you compete? I just can't fathom hitting the gas so early.

Im 26 now, i was a 3 sport athlete in HS. I played football in college. Of course i had social and family hardships what young teenage boy doesnt, now was i any worse than other teenagers i would actually say yes, and id attribute that to to the steroids most likely but i wasnt out of control. Academically i had to maintain something like a 3.0 to play and that was never a problem for me. If anything id say the juice helped me get my D 1 scholarships, in my position i was the biggest fastest and strongest.
Since I suffer from PTSD and my Bachelors is in Human Services before tvis hormone replacement I did A LOT IF RESEARCH. on mental health and the use if steroids. The frontal lobe is not finished growing until the age if 25. Research has shown that because some participants can suffer from depression that the use if steroids in young adults can arrest the growth of the frontal lobe causing depression to include bipolar disorder. Tgis means the use of medication for the rest if their lives. I am 40 and the use if steroids was rampent throigh out my high school amd even in some aspects of the military of what I did personally. I would have never used unless i was in the situation I am now with low test production or later on like now. Jusy because YOU DO NOT SUFFER SIDE EFFECTS it does bot mean no one else will. Count yourself lucky. With what I know about brain development and age I would never suggest anyone to use steroids well after the mid 20s.

I agree with this. The first time I cycled was 19-20. I can say that those years were turbulent to say the least. Highs, lows, I was a dumbass. I didn't do a tonne, but I think it did affect me.
Younger people actually have better chances of fully healing. I know a lot of people who started juicing at a young age and turned out fine. IMO it's mostly broscience just like the 8 meal bullshit. Esp on this forum. If you look closely most people don't even have avis here and if you've got a decent physique you realize these are not the kind of people you want to be taking advice from anyway.
Flawed logic. Maybe people don't want to post their pics for confidentiality reasons. I know I don't. But man, I'm hot. Look at my sweet ass! Who wants to do me?
There is honestly no need for such a vast argument on this topic. Forget psyhcological wise aspect, the main side is the medical side. And from a medical aspect, there's a clear reason to why aas is harsher on "MEN" under the age of 25.

Firstly we need to understand what test really is. Tetosterone is the hormone that is "MOST" important in the development of testis, prostate, muscle growth, bone mass, and the growth of body hair. All these growing organisms need NOT to be altered for a normal growth. Now understand, that the testosterone level is at its peak from ages 18-23. It becomes average as the growth stops which in most men is around the age of 25. While the testosterone is at its peak, the last thing you want to do is alter with it and permanently affect your growing tissues. You may regain your test level back in later years, but by using aas early, you will lose that peak stage which will, medically proven, affect your overall growth by 8%.

And for the guy saying he used aas at 17 lol, remember, every body type is different and aas is honestly like Russian roulette. 3 may survive with minimal effects, but the 4th one will regret it for a lifetime.