Expecting to much or fake - Tren


New member
hey guys,

first cycle was test e 500mg week for 12 weeks

2nd cycle is what im on now, a cutter, 3400calories a day, 390g protein 230g carbs 84g fat
im 3 weeks into it, it started at 420mg tren ace a week with 250mg test prop a week

I heard low test with tren kept the sides at bay plus ED instead of EOD shots, which it has, or the gear is fake.
Ive noticed nothing in the gym (strength), sure ive lost fat, but i was eating over 4.5k calories one week before i started the cycle
I made the tren and test prop from powder, but i cant say the source is 100% / wont provide COA.

Am i expecting to much, shouldnt i be gaining strength even though im cutting as its my first run with tren?

6 foot 1 232pounds 16%BF

Today Ive upped the dose to 200mg tren ace ED + 100mg test prop ED, ill probably get flamed for the high dose, but i believe my gear is extremely under dosed or fake, no sides apart from maybe small aggression, but that could all be in my head because i think im on tren


EDIT: im also on liquid prami .3ml each night + 4pumps AM and PM of forma stanzol, wasnt running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (apart from forma) because of the low 250mg test dose, but i will run liquiddex now as i "think" im running 700mg of test prop a week
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From what my experienced training partner tells me -
Must be tremendously underdosed yeah!
Or bunk gear! His strength gains are amazing - high agression.
Insane vascularity. Tipical night sweats.

200mg tren ace ED + 100mg test prop ED is a huge amount. Sides would prob be really bad - if legit gear.
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I think this is retarted! U brewed the shit how can it be under dosed? 3 weeks> really get fuckin real! Your he postin week shit u brewed on your own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I think this is retarted! U brewed the shit how can it be under dosed? 3 weeks> really get fuckin real! Your he postin week shit u brewed on your own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

his point is he thinks the POWDERS that he got are not very pure. he thinks the POWDERS are cut with something, hence the issue with the dosage being off.

if you measure out 10g of a hormone and there's only actually 5g of the real hormone, well that could be a problem. or, for example, if you measure out 10g of what you think is tren, but in reality it is 5g of test prop and 5g of filler.... well.... that could be a problem.

and i've personally not seen tren that looks exactly like prop, so asking for pics of the two to compare the look isn't the most retarded thing in the world.

but it wouldn't be fun posting on the forums if you weren't calling someone a retard for something huh....
I think this is retarted! U brewed the shit how can it be under dosed? 3 weeks> really get fuckin real! Your he postin week shit u brewed on your own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

A little edgy lately phattyb?? I've seen just as much bunk or underdosed powder as I have seen bunk or underdosed brewed gear. Just because he brewed himself doesnt mean he didnt buy fake raws.
don't be expecting gains in strength if ur only taking in 3400 cals per day, even on tren... either cut or eat to gain... u can't do both... if ur losing weight, bf%, that should be your goal while cutting. If u are looking better it really shouldn't matter how strong u are
can u tell if its under dosed from a picture?

I think not so what is the point of that?

LOL! Get'em!

don't be expecting gains in strength if ur only taking in 3400 cals per day, even on tren... either cut or eat to gain... u can't do both... if ur losing weight, bf%, that should be your goal while cutting. If u are looking better it really shouldn't matter how strong u are

I agree with most of this statement, if you're noticing results in the mirror then that should be what is most important.

I think you can however get strength gains on lower calories. not sure what your goal is with this cycle but if you are trying to recomp then it can definately be done!
The point is u cant tell how its dosed from a picture! That is truely retarted! Prophet Im am well versed on wieghing measuring and brewing!

To say u can answer his question with a pic is nonsense!
A little edgy lately phattyb?? I've seen just as much bunk or underdosed powder as I have seen bunk or underdosed brewed gear. Just because he brewed himself doesnt mean he didnt buy fake raws.

absolutly true he dosent know if he has baking powder! Gid he do a melt test? we don't know. but show me a pic is gona prove what LOL
how much tren have you seen phat? how much prop? by how many labs? have you ever seen tren and prop from the same that looked identical? tren tends to take on a different color, as does EQ, from other compounds. if i brewed up some tren and it looked identical to some prop, i'd probably worry a bit and e-mail the source to ask if they might've fucked up my order. and i'd send them pics.

he was saying he's worried that his tren isn't really tren. pics won't show that it is underdosed, but could give someone a CLUE that there is something up with their raws. i'm not sure why that concept is so hard for you to grasp.... it seems pretty simple to me.
The point is u cant tell how its dosed from a picture! That is truely retarted! Prophet Im am well versed on wieghing measuring and brewing!

To say u can answer his question with a pic is nonsense!

I wanted to see the tren and test side-by-side to see if they were the same colour or not. It was a starting point.

I'm not retarded, thanks.