Fake Gear - Low Test. What Now?


New member
Hi gents

I have a slight predicament and would really appreciate some advice on what to do next.

I started my 3rd cycle just over 14 weeks ago. Consisting of:

Sustanon 250: 750mg a week, weeks 1-14
Deca: 400mg a week, weeks 1-10
Dbol: 40mg a week, weeks

At the start of cycle i was weighing in at 90.5kg but with 20% BF so i decided to use this cycle as a slow cut and retain most off my mucsle whilst slowly losing fat so that i could get the abbs out come summer time.

The sus i was using was extreamly painfull from day one, i realise sus can generally be a painfull compound due to the prop etc but this was next level, lumps for almost a week and unable to squat or dead lift. I put up with this for 7 weeks and then decided to jump on some new sustanon. About this point i started to break out with acne so i also started taking armidex at 0.5mg eod. My weight was sitting around 89kg which wasnt much of a suprise as i was restricting calories and looking leaner.

7 weeks later (week 14) at the end of my cycle my acne had gotten worse and was starting to scar so i went to the docs to get antibiotics. Blood pressure, heart rate etc all fine but he suggested getting bloods, this was fine with me as its free and i could see if this sus was legitimate as by this point i was sitting at 85kg. I realise i was restricting calories but i didnt expected to loose this much weight that fast so as you could imagine i was worried about the quality of the gear and what i was putting in my arse cheek e3d.

2 days later (2days ago) i received my results back from the doc, to his suprise test was VERY low. Normal range is 8 - 38 (not sure what units) and i was sitting around 1.8!!! No wonder i was loosing weight fast!! Also my cholestrol had doubled from 4 months earlier, from normal range 4.5 to 9 (Again, not sure what units).

So as you could guess i was probably injecting cooking oil...

Guys what should i do from here?

Option 1.) Hit a blast to get the levels back up quickly as i am feeling pretty down and loosing gains by the day. My goal was too look good for a christmas holiday and if i dont then i could be looking scrawny as fuck. Only issue beeing that will mean im shut down for 12 more weeks but i would PCT after and take a decent break. Was thinking somthing similar to my last cycle:

Sustanon 250: 500mg a week, weeks 1-10
Anadrol: 25mg ed, week 1- 3 for a kick start.


Start PCT now. Hopefully get back up to natural levels. Only problem being ill be hitting a cycle 6 weeks after that which is only going to smash the natural levels back down again. PCT would look like this.

Nolva: 40/40/20/20
Clomid: 150/100/50/50.

Thanks for reading and i look foward to your replys
Toss option 1 out the window... either way, you were on something, due to the fluctuations of with hormonal levels, and increased sebum..

Recover NOW, and cut the loss, get your body back into check, and balanced as much as its gonna be..Do a full on PCT..and just prep for the next cycle..You can cycle by mid Jan or end if blood work comes back good..

I would suggest PCT
Clomid 100/50/50
Tamox 60/60/40/40/20

Get BLOODS 3 weeks after last Tamox intake..
Vision. Im still in two minds about it

Why not option one?

I figure the stuff i switched to was fake because as you said the acne is a sign of hormonal response which i got within the first 7 weeks. The reason it got worse was by injecting bullshit from week 8 onward, which wouldve caused my levels to drop and with no PCT to bring them back up i lost all of the weight and even the previous weight i had gained.

I thought doing a quick blast would potentially allow me to restore the lost muscle mass quickly as it hasnt been too long? Also allow me to feel good over summer, and would mean i could train hard aswell. Im guessing my balls are allready shut down so why bring them up to smash them back down soon after? Would another 10 weeks really hurt? Is it even worg training with such low test?

Im not challenging your advice at all btw i know that its the smarter option but i feel tiny and weak. Just interested as to why i shouldnt.

Thanks mate
We can speculate all day if the compound was under dosed, at the same time engage in a counter debate of why they could be in fact legit..This would be a waste of time!

Right now the goal is to recover or commit ones self once again..The addition of 10 more weeks isn't at all a far-fetched unrealistic idea, in fact you can prolong your andro protocol.. However you made the reference about feeling good into summer.. How do you plan on preserving any newly acquired mass? Diet/training of course are the most critical,however without the addition of andros or peps you stand a highly and most possible chance of losing your gains once again.. Its the cat and mouse game of the game..

Im not sure of your commitment levels and where your at in the lifestyle, but you might want to consider staying on if your goal is to look your best 80% of the year.. Blast and cruise! Im not suggesting it, Im just stressing that some people utilize this protocol for the above reasons..

after 10 weeks, your going to need to recovery either way, and except the fact that you will lose some gains, its just how it is!

why not low dose Test, 300-400mgs with the addition of HCG.. keep diet in check and take it from there?

I cant sit here and tell you why or why not, this comes down to your overall goals and your commitment!
Thats just the repsonse i was after vision.

I am curious now though, when you say you could debate weather the gear was fake but im interested in your opinion as to how it can possible be real after loosing 5kg and having almost no test in my system?

Im glad you mentioned blast and cruise because i have on ever blasted and PCT'd and it sucks. I was actually on my first week of cruising at 250mg a week this week but know that i believe this stuff is fake it throws me out about what to do now.

The gym is life to me, i have been training for 5 years, 4 of which where natural. Diet is king and i am commited to my training. Harldy missed a day or a meal in the last couple of years.

So now that you know where im at, and you can tell i want to start fresh with another cycle.. is it a bad idea as my cholestrol is high? Given it never has been before and it cant have been for more then four months is this ok to keep going with another cycle?

My other concern is fertility and or never getting my natural leves back? Which is around 15. Or would i be right in saying now that im shut down it doesnt really make any difference if its for another week or another 10?

If i did decide to smash another quick 10 week cycle at 250 would it be a bad idea to blast and cruise after that or do i need to PCT soon as i have shut down?

Thanks bro!!
That really sucks bro. Getting streile abcesses off your gear? Someone deserves a 2x4 acroos the face. Shoot me a pm, id like to know who the a hole was that sold it to you.

Since your gear was bogus, get some legit stuff and start over. That wasn't a very good cut stack though.
That really sucks bro. Getting streile abcesses off your gear? Someone deserves a 2x4 acroos the face. Shoot me a pm, id like to know who the a hole was that sold it to you.

Since your gear was bogus, get some legit stuff and start over. That wasn't a very good cut stack though.
First off I'm curious as to how old you are? My personal opinion would be to do a PCT it is tempting as hell to do another cycle or blast and cruise I know that, But the longer you are on the lower of a chance you have to get your natural testosterone levels back. In the bigger picture it really doesn't matter if you look good or bad for the holidays. If you really work out as much as you say you do you should already have a above average physique. You should also try to get your body fat to at least 15% before cycling in my opinion. If your working out extremely hard and are at 20% body fat and you have a good diet I would highly recommend you talk to 3j, and get on one of his diet programs or something it sound's like there might be something wrong with your diet. Maybe you just got off of a giant bulking phase though I don't know.

I really believe the best thing for you is to do a PCT. I really can't stress enough that blasting and cruising is a bad idea if you plan on ever having your natural testosterone levels come back to normal again.
Yeah it does man but no point in dwelling over it, i took the risk and have done it to myself. I am from Christchurch, New Zealand. Bunk gear is really common over here. New to this site and not sure how to pm but i will when i figure it out lol.

Cheers mate
Mad - Scientest. I am 25 in month.

I know you are probably right but im wondering if anyone would agree with me that another 10 weeks wont hurt? You could imagine how im feeling with such low test. I worked my arse off this year from 80kg so that i could look good for a holiday in 2 months. I am seeing family i havnt seen in years and i want them to see the hard work i have been putting in and i want to appear i have changed/improved. I realise this may sound stupid to some people but it is important to me.

So is my overall health though and you are right in the big picture one summer isnt really going to matter but is a further 10 weeks going to matter? I will be able to feel confident over the summer, not like a skinny twig and i wont loose anymore weight.

I worried that because my test is so low that im going to keep loosing muscle for the next four weeks until i hopefully get back to normal levels. I dont even no if i should be training with such low levels?

Thanks the the reply mate
All this debating aside, now that you involved your doctor (bad idea), what does he propose? Or did you make an even bigger mistake, and come clean about everything?

Oh, and to the debate; what are you going to do after 10 weeks when it's PCT time? You clearly are super worried about having low testosterone, which IS going to happen - just a matter of when.

Or are you going to decide to not come off at that point indefinitely..?
I would go with Vision and say do PCT, recover and then have a real cycle. It's a marathon, not a sprint, so patience is vital.

Also there are great suppliers in this board. I never had any problems with underdosed or fake gear.
For sure on getting everything in check before moving on with your next cycle.

Jumping into a blast might sound SEXY - but you're best to get everything inline for that next cycle.

This gives you time to properly plan and also make sure you have good gear for the next cycle.

Take this with a grain of salt because I'm with the P.S.L. team... but the reason I am is because I started
out as a customer and know you are getting a superior product.

They are an approved sponsor here at Ology and I would also recommend looking for some of their threads
and posts from customers and all the reviews you can find...you can do this with other sponsors as well and
see who you like best.

Anyway - back on track...

At 25 you can build and develop yourself very well within one and two cycles and keep yourself looking GREAT
between cycles.

Please keep us posted along the way... good or bad, it helps the members here at Ology. Just keep asking for help
so we can make sure it's all good. :D
I'm surprised you are alive :D and how you didn't noticed these super low levels early 4 times below reference range almost like for women... what was your sex drive wasn't you super tired and how come you can live with that 14 weeks???
Halfwit. Im glad i consulted my doctor otherwise i wouldve carried on with my cruise on cooking oil.

Seems like most off you are for the PCT option. If i PCT now ill be coming up from ground zero, this may take along time and i will loose further weight that i attained even naturaly as i was 82kg before i started ASS and im faily close to that now (just weighed in at the gym at 84.5kg, 0.5kg down from yesterday) :/

Would it not better better to get on the anadrol now to get back to an anabolic state and out off this highly depressive catabolic state and take a low dose of 500mg of test a week for 10 weeks? This should allow me to put most of the weight i have lost back on, allow me to cruise through summer, feel and look good and then PCT two weeks after the cycle. This way i will be PCT-ing from a normal cycle and not from ground zero.

As you can tell i am really concerned about loosing the gains i have worked so hard to achieve. It just seems to make sence to me or is this an amatuer move?

Im new to these forums guys but eveyone seems to be recommending PSL? How do i get some of this stuff and how would it get into little New Zealand lol?

For those asking my source was a UDL.

Good to know there is support out there and like minded people which sound like they have their heads screwed on and peoples best interests in mind.
Alive? Bro you seriously? Dont make me feel worse then i allready do. Well the first 7 weeks were legit i was feeling good while on the good stuff. Then once i switched to the cooking oil it wouldve taken 2-3 weeks for the good sus to leave my system so it wasnt until 4 weeks ago that i started feeling like shit. I thought it was just part and parcel, maybe like a mild flu or somthing lol. Sex drive was non existent and yes very lethargic. Still have these symptoms which is why you could imagine i want to blast.

Thanks for your advice. Although i know i should PCT i have decided to do a blast for 10 weeks through summer, get my levels back up and then come down properly with PCT at the right time. I have arleady been shut down for im guessing around four weeks so another 10 on a low dose wont kill me.

Will get bloods done as the doc wants in 6 weeks and if anything alarming comes up or cholestrol is increasing then i will stop where i am and PCT.


Anadrol: 25mg ed. Weeks 1-3
Sustanon 250: 250mg e3. Weeks 1-10

Will keep you updated with bloods etc.

If someone thinks this is a REALLY bad idea, please let me know.
Thought about it over night and my test levels are pretty seriously low so i have decided to take the good advice and PCT NOW.

Nolva: 40/40/20/20.
Clomid: 100/50/50.

PCT look allright? I cant get HCG so i just hope this PCT aint fake aswell.

My only concern now guys is do you think i will get my natural test back? I know you cant answer this for sure but what are my chances like? I have worked out that my last real jab wouldve been deca 5.5 weeks ago. Had i known that was the last real gear in my system i wouldve PCT'd 3 weeks after (2.5 weeks ago). So i am 2.5 weeks behind.

Am i right in saying i wouldve shut down anyway and ive just left my PCT 2.5 weeks late or is this a lil more serious then that?

Thanks for convincing me to PCT. Cat belive i was considering suppressing myself for longer.
For sure on getting everything in check before moving on with your next cycle.

Jumping into a blast might sound SEXY - but you're best to get everything inline for that next cycle.

This gives you time to properly plan and also make sure you have good gear for the next cycle.

Take this with a grain of salt because I'm with the P.S.L. team... but the reason I am is because I started
out as a customer and know you are getting a superior product.

They are an approved sponsor here at Ology and I would also recommend looking for some of their threads
and posts from customers and all the reviews you can find...you can do this with other sponsors as well and
see who you like best.

Anyway - back on track...

At 25 you can build and develop yourself very well within one and two cycles and keep yourself looking GREAT
between cycles.

Please keep us posted along the way... good or bad, it helps the members here at Ology. Just keep asking for help
so we can make sure it's all good. :D

Well said, as always...

You know, that found me well on that comment "jumping back in may sound sexy", put me into place for a moment as well, Im lining up my blast as we speak, growing quite irritable not having everything I need (waiting on accutane).. I want to start but I dont have everything I need... theres truth to that comment you made... It may sound sexy!
I think maybe oral was real and test was fake? if all fake then you not have low test. i not know what say.
I would use good gear a new one and do 12 weeks or i would just do a pct and wait a bit and do another one with new stuffs