fat cycle


New member
Ok, so I am on y first cycle of Primo- 3 weeks in and have seen some increases in strength and gained about six lbs. so far. My high weeks are 2,600 cal day, but I alternatate these with a low week at 1,700. I was dieting (constantly at 1,500 cal day) so I am now trying to get my metabolism past starvation mode.
I am aspiring to do a figure show, so I am not looking to put on huge amounts of muscle. But i do realize that I need to add some to lose some. My high weeks are hard for me, although I know they are vital to my muscle growth, I am use to dieting. I have seen alot of great results with my body from going high, but I cant help but cringe when my diet of 2600 cal is set before me. I guess its the fear of fat that is keeping me from getting good results? Can someone reasure me that I will see better results with higher calories. Or shoul I add something into my cycle the last few weeks to keep me from gaining BF. Also, I am a bit annoyed that my primo may not be real??? Great: Plecibo effect???
Thank you so much!!!
Why do you think your Primo is not real?

Anyway, as I told you before, you are not eating enough to see the true benefits that your cycle can produce! You need to be eating AT LEAST 3500 cals A DAY!!! NOT A WEEK!!!. Stop worrying about what the scale says, and worry about how you look in your clothes. I can't tell you how long it's been since I jumped on a scale. You're still letting the numbers on the scale rule you, rather than how you look in your posing suit. That's not how this game is played. The person who has the most muscle with the lowest BF WINS!!! You have GOT to build more muscle so when you are for real dieting down for a show, you have some muscle to spare and don't look like a stick on stage.

As I also stated before, YOU DO NOT NEED TO ADD ANYTHING to the last part of your cycle. When I get on, BF DROPS because muscle mass increases. I can ASSURE you. You will be elated at your results if you eat properly!! You've already wasted a good 2 weeks of eating enough, don't prolong it, and waste the Primo!! It's too good and waaayyy to expensive to let it not reach it's full potential...Granted it is real stuff you have, of course....EAT!!!

As I also stated in one of your threads, when I get on, I'm eating 5000 cals/ day at my peak! And when I bulk, I don't mess around with 1700 or 2600 cals...I usually start at about 3500, and work my way up and back down over 8 weeks...even though my cycle only lasts 6. And I gain LEAN MUSCLE, not BF!!!! Of course if you eat like shit post cycle and don't cut down, it's opportune time for fat gains.
ill let the ladies kick in their advice but i would like to welcome you to the board
damiana said:
Thank you, I was starting to get shy.
dont be there are a lot of knowledgeable ladies here and im sure they arent avoiding you . mods and vets get busy at home and work just like everyone else and im guessing that we have some walking wounded considering its flu season , redsquirell has given some good input and im sure more is on the way :)
RS gave some good advice there, and i will add!! being a female it is not easy to gain lean muscle. you must feed the machine!! get away from your low calories weeks!! stay in the high range, and bust your ass in the gym!! you will not get fat in 6 weeks!!keep the carbs moderate, and cut all sugar and saturated fats!! add in healthy fats like olive, and flax oil!!
6 lbs in 3 weeks is great!! just keep the ball rolling!! if you have to gain 2 lbs of fat to get 5 lbs of muscle it is WAY worth it. you can diet it off easy. good luck, and if i can help, let me know!!
Thank you so much! I think it just takes some pychological changes to get use to eating triple you daily calories when you have been dieting your life away one 1,400-1,300 cal a day, no matter what there is the fear of fattening up. But, I am happy to say that I have seen more success in the past few weeks when I have really pushed myself to reach beyond my 2,600 cal a day and keep it clean!! My diet is great, lots of broccoli and low glycemic carbs, three to four protein shakes a day, flax and nuts and low sat fat protein sources. My training is pretty hard core also!! I am usually crawing out of the gym by the end of my training six days a week. I have been keeping my cardio down during my cycle because I dont want to burn alot of excess calories correct?
right on the money with the cardio thing girl!! keep up the good work and get that protein up and keep bustin' ass!!