Feelin a little like crap....


New member
I am on tren 150mg E3D and 150 Phenyl Prop EOD. I was doin 75mg eod of tren and 150 eod of prop. I had originally planed on takin the tren for 10 weeks but did alot more askin around and was told that 8 weeks is a good limit. Besides that I have been feelin a little like crap. I researched test flu and it sounds like it but I totally have my appitite and am sleeping well. I have good energy when I lift for the most part. I might have off days when I am at work but we all do. The prop shots are sore as hell for about 1-2 days as always for me. But I have never really felt this way. I dont think its the increase on the tren cause I was feelin like this b4 the increase. Should I move the phenyl prop for e3d too or just suck it up and see what happens in another week? :baby:
you will be in bed if you had the test flu. I was shivering and sweating when i had it. I would consider doing the tren eod as well as the prop this might bring down any possible side effects and also increase the effectiveness of the 2 compounds.
Phil9999 said:
you will be in bed if you had the test flu. I was shivering and sweating when i had it. I would consider doing the tren eod as well as the prop this might bring down any possible side effects and also increase the effectiveness of the 2 compounds.
So your sayin 150tren and 150 test eod?
Phil9999 said:
i would adjust the dosage so its the same as you were using before per week except inject eod.
Well my reasoning for the e3d is that the tren is tren Enenthate..... I just relized that I didnt mention that b4... sorry man! But thats why. The phenyl prop is a longer ester then regular prop... not by much just like 2-3 days longer. Should I do 150tren e 150phenyl prop e3d? would that help? I am only like 1.5 weeks into it so i dont think it would hurt to change things around do you?
1.5 weeks in? id hold out a little and let your body adjust...you might be fine in a few days. have you used both compounds previously?
Deep South Chris said:
1.5 weeks in? id hold out a little and let your body adjust...you might be fine in a few days. have you used both compounds previously?
No this is my first run on tren before. I have done other cycles before 5 to be exact.
Tren is weird stuff man. It can really make you feel fucked up. I'd say as long as you just feel like shit try sticking it out a bit. YOur doses look fine to me.