Feeling lethargic/ weird on cycle....

Your approach has potential how wherever you are misunderstanding how the endocrine system works, the body will not convert estrogen to make up the balance to find hemostasis, your body will produce...

By theory that sounds reasonable but that is not the case...

You are advocating about some symptoms that I suggested are merely not enough to place a bet on, now you're contradicting yourself because that's exactly the same thing you were doing by suggesting he has elevated estrogen levels you're placing a bet on something you are entirely uncertain of without definitive facts...

I'm not arguing so please do not assumes that... I'm emphasizing on some principles, and other factors rather than attempting to calculate , and diagnose...

If you are steadfast and believe that elevated estrogen is the cause and effect, but I'm quite confident that a demitasse what figure had like a sombrero.... the internal networks within the endocrine and system of checks is rather vest under a huge spectrum!

While I agree that a blood test is most certainly warranted before making any judgement calls, I find zero fault with what Schredder posted.

The body does indeed attempt to maintain allostasis, with a predetermined testosterone to estradiol ratio. DHT or any other testosterone derivatives have zero influence on this, so I don't know why you mention them. The fact is that the OP is very likely at supraphysiological serum levels of testosterone right now, and as a result of not taking an AI, likely has supraphysiological values of estradiol to boot.

An individual lacking aromatase? Can you say osteoporosis on top of sexual dysfunction without AAS? I'm hoping I misunderstood you there.

My first guess (hence why a blood test is optimal, as it's just guessing otherwise) is estradiol is greatly elevated. Second guess being that his testosterone is underdosed with a real oral - shutting him down without enough androgenic support to function properly. Third would be other causes such as deficiencies or even sleep apnea.
So many replies. Thanks for the advice guys. I took arimedex .5 when I said I did and then today same and I feel better. The HGH is def making me feel a little fatigued I started it about 2 weeks before I start test e. I don't think my test is under dosed I feel pretty good now. It was a little shitty for a week but I'm back to ok. Maybe it was just my body getting used to everything....... Btw Just an update on the cycle progress itself, I am really doing well!! Im getting very strong and thick. My bench has gone up every week and so has my weight. I'm at about 203 I started at 192. I know water weight is a factor but it's definitely working.

I have HCG on the way and hcgenerate as well..... Should I take them all the way thru? I may extend my cycle to 11 weeks as well because I don't wanna be in pct when I have to travel......
Thanks for all your help guys.

Oh and the cops throwing me against the wall did happen and yes I do have a temper. So yes aas define is making that more pronounced but I'm ok tho..... It was a mistake that won't happen again. I'm generally a very respectabl nice person...***128526;***128526;

I read everything you guys wrote very good knowledge. Thanks
Op. Your waiting for your hcg? Should you run it all the way through? You didn't research proper buddy.
You should be running it all the way thru yes. Now what happens if your hcg never makes it to you for some unforseen reason?? Always have all your tools on hand before you start a job.
So I've been on this cycle :
1-10 test e 500 split( will ramp up to 650 towards end)
3-10 ANAVAR 40 mg then to 50 and 60
HGH all year. 4 ius split Ed

I feel lethargic these days. I am definitely getting ripped and fucking jacked up, my diet is on point and I only drink water..... My sleep is on point.....I just don't know why I feel tired, a little depressed, just all in all a little down.......this is my first time adding anything in other than test so maybe that's it?
I also have had a mild case of test flu this week which sucks....does anyone else feel this way on cycle? A few times I've had to literally force myself to the gym..... I hope I start to feel better.....

have you changed your hgh brand recently? or upped the dose?
are you using an AI on cycle?

ps, i rec going 12-14wks min.