few questions about my D-Bol cycle

compman said:
Slow down fella, your only 19. You may not get any taller but I assure you that you'll fill out some, if not a lot, in the next couple of years.

If you are going to go against everone's advice anyway, than atleast do it properly. Dbol alone, is not the way to go!!!

exactly....since you're going to defy anyone that tells you not to do it....then add an injectable....d-bol alone will not really give you any QUALITY gains....I mean, have you really seen anyone that's done all oral cycles and can even compare to anyone whose done the same amount of cycles with injectables....not to mention that they're probably dying of liver failure.

needles aren't hard....I was shaking like a bitch for my first injection....as were most of the people on this board. But now it's like second nature, I shoot every morning just like I brush my teeth. They're really not that bad....do you cry and whine like a little girl when the doctor has to give you a shot? If so....then steroids are just not your deal man. I'm completely with SC on this one. You are way too skinny, and at your height and weight....one d-bol cycle isn't going to make much of a difference...even if you were to gain 15 pounds....MAYBE your closest family would notice....but no one else would give it a second thought....

Anyway, the way I see it.....don't use steroids unless you're willing to inject.
9.5 hrs of sleep a day?

i hope it's not in a row... sleeping too long (beyond 8hrs.) could put you into a catabolic state. jeez bro, daz going 9.5 hrs without food, IF you ate rite b4 goin to bed and ate right after waking. and ditto on EVERYTHING everyone else said.
TechChemY "even if you were to gain 15 pounds....MAYBE your closest family would notice....but no one else would give it a second thought...."

that REALLY doesnt make sense, maybe you need to read it again, just the fact that i am 142 and getting up to near 160 lbs... yes of course it would be amazing.

anyways whatever thanks for the advice, i should admit one thing after all this no i am not afraid 1 bit of needles and i have recieved 3 shots per week of an allergy serum for months, its nothing, i just cant afford to buy test enanthate, well you have definitly made me think twice.

thank you everyone
Test E or cyp shouldn't be more expensive than d-bol, I can get a 50mL vial of 250mg/mL test e for the same price as 100 count bottle of Reffies

with the test you could do 2 solid 12 week cycles

with the bottle of reffies you could do 1 half-assed 7 week cycle

And I'm sure you paid much more for you d-bol than I would have.
I'm no doctor and they all have more knowledge on roids than I have or will probably ever have but I think you are going to take them anyway so eat like crazy and if you are going to take d-bol stack it with something that will complement it well
techemy: 160 lbs at 6'3 is still no different man....not much of one anyway!

i came with an open attitude.
thank you everyone
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techemy: 160 lbs at 6'3 is still no different man....not much of one anyway!

yeh thanks buddy what great motivation to ever not use steroids where getting to 160 would take a year and a half. thanks so much.
thank you everyone

Hey DIPLOMAT..........your sarcasm is not going to make many friends here, let alone get you any answers.

Try posting this same thread on another board and see what kind of answers you get there.