Few questions.


New member
I have 3 years of lifting weights under my belt. I have not lifted weights in 3 years but I have been working a very physical job since then. I started up in the gym again and wanted to try a cycle. Currently 6'3 250 at an embarssing 21% bf. My plan is to cut down to around 15% and do a cycle.

I have medistar tnt
10ml vial(s), its 400mg/ml with 250/150 Test E/Tren E.

Running 6 weeks then 2 weeks after run clomid ED. I was planning on 500mg of test e then 300mg of tren e a week.

Not sure when I'll be doing this all depends in how fast I can get in better shape.

Any comments, or suggestions are welcomed. The reasoning for using the gear I plan on using is just availablity.
Hi ToughLuck and welcome to Ology!

In your situation i think you would be better off spending a small amount on the front end with a nutritionist/coach. We have 3J on this site and if you search his name tons of threads will appear that show his effectiveness. After you drop some body fat then you can start the tnt and other things.
Hi ToughLuck and welcome to Ology!

In your situation i think you would be better off spending a small amount on the front end with a nutritionist/coach. We have 3J on this site and if you search his name tons of threads will appear that show his effectiveness. After you drop some body fat then you can start the tnt and other things.

I will have to give it a look! I used to be in better shape but after a few years of steak and beers on the ride on from the rig wrecks a guy. I'm over that crap ready to get in shape maybe even hit some single digits.

My most concering question is regarding PTC. I read threads which people run it during the cycle? I'm not going to do something improper and in results have some estrogen issues.

Quick reply! Looks like I picked a good forum.
def you ned more research.

during with tren you will need some stuffs as A.I, caber or prami, proviron, amount of vit and mineral.

managing your diet to increase the amount of L-tryptophan/week

magnesium is hight dose, etc... it's for advanced BB after all. it's not a standard cycle.