few upper body pics, week 9

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did we get a review of the new tren yet?

Yeah feeling good, jacked my test up to 500mg/week, spending a max an hour in the gym wih more rest days, with the new routine, and thats after my 2 pound shit snowpatrol lol 220lbs
Only downfall its gettingntouger to go through injecting, starting to build up some scsr tissue, gotta find new injection spots
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I understand your point silver, wanted to see how I felt with increasing my test as well, feel better, no sides other then vivid dreams and sweating a lot more in the gym
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Starting to fill out more tho, appetitte is better, and all around feel better
Felt at times I was trying to cram food in to get my meals in, having no probs now
Back today was
Start out with
Db pullover- 2 warm up sets, 1 working set
Close grip pulldown- 1 warm up set, 2 working sets
1 arm row- 1 warmup set, 2 working sets
Wide grip cable row- 1 warm up set, 1 working set
Bb deadlift- 1 warmup set, 1 working set
In and out in an hour, and spent, 1 min rest inbetween sets
Tomorrow off day, shoulders/tris thurs, legs friday
Hit chest and bi's yesterday
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If that works for u, that's great. I would start off with chin ups, bent over rows, deadlifts, u know some compound shit. Then finish up with cable stuff or one arm rows. U gotta keep in mind that a lot of these YouTube videos are pro bodybuilders working on definition and shit. Big back are built with barbell rows, t-bar rows, deadlifts, chins or pull downs. Basic moves.
Hey Matt if you feel like you want to try something different (also something a 6 time Mr.Olympia does) Look up on youtube (Dorian Yates Blood and Gutss)
He only does 1 working set of each exercise and it works wonders.
Yeah thats the program I am doing, I just added 1mpre wprking set per routine
I figured I was all over the place as well before, this way I kmow which part I am working, just started this prohram last week I feel it will benifit me from getting away from overtraining and giving your muscles proper rest as well
Sweating buckets, I find its great for conditionig as well
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Of course you look better than me, you are a young pup, wait until you are 48.
Until you post a picture of your legs (a full leg) with your body the doubt about them will last.

Doubt from who? You, because I don't think anyone else gives a shit. You're acting like a child trying to constantly call him out.
Of course you look better than me, you are a young pup, wait until you are 48.
Until you post a picture of your legs (a full leg) with your body the doubt about them will last.

When you first joined this site you bitched to me about how I was 'picking on you or gunning for you bc of the stupid assumptions you had made. This must be the circle of life bc all I see you doing is exactly what you cried to me about
When you first joined this site you bitched to me about how I was 'picking on you or gunning for you bc of the stupid assumptions you had made. This must be the circle of life bc all I see you doing is exactly what you cried to me about
His words were "I beat you in every pose"
Lets see shall we.
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