F'in Hurts!!!!

Nzom said:
I have had this before. I know EXACTLY what you are going through. Trust me here... Drink a ton of water and reduce your sodium intake until its gone. Don't trip, its nothing.

Hurts like hell though. (worse than getting soap in your dick)

It is exactly like that. Getting soap in your dick, but it hurts alot more. Do you guys think if I drink alot more water to dilute my urine it won't hurt as much?
Easto U have a UTI as someone stated above.See a doc,he will subscribe Cypro.That will clear it up.Cranberry extract along with alot of water will flush you out as well.
sounds like you probably have a bladder infection if you are sure you and your girl are clean. go see a doctor about it
I don't think she will get it. There is no way I am going to be getting freaky with here while my dick hurts so much. Hard to get in the mood, you know?
like i said, try to drink a lot of cranberries juice.

if it's a UTI or some small calcium deposit, il will help.

along with good hydration, this will help if you don't want to go see a doctor or you can't get an appointment.
I probably won't be able to get to the doctor until Monday or so. I am really busy this week so hopefully some cranberry juice and water will help.
We can pretty much rule out kidney stones. The source of pain w/ these is the URETER. This is the tube between the kidney and the bladder. Passing a stone through the ureter casues severe pain, in waves, not associated with urination.
Your pain is in the urethra, therefore you have a urethritis, by definition; what you need to know is whether it's chemical (soap, etc), traumatic (fucking, etc), or infectious. Only the latter should require treatment.
yep what buffdoc said,my partner at work just went through the whole stone ordeal.not only would it hurt when you urinate but your kidneys would be in constant pain,you would not be discussing this you'd be laid out in a hospital bed all doped up.you more than likely have a bladder infection,been there done that.go see your doc he will be able to scrip you to get it cleared up no problem.the cranberry thing works but is no substitute for drugs!!

I started to drink about 3 gallons of water yesterday. The first couple times I went to the washroom I thought I was going to die. Now today I feel like a million bucks! Thanks guys. BTW, I hope none of you ever get a sore weiner :)
Urinary tract infection or Bladder infection or...nobody mentioned prostatitis-common in BPH cases Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) but with that you will know during sex it will burn after....
Classic UTI; he'' prescribe you some Macrobid or some Bactrim and you'll be as good as new...get some Cranberry Caps; works alot better than the juice without all of the excess sugar.

Cranberry works by preventing the infection to adhering to the wall of your bladder...and most importantly, drink alot of water!!!
It feels pretty good these days. I drank alot of water and the first couple times I went to the bathroom it hurt. After the 3rd time, I could barely notice any pain.
Easto said:
It feels pretty good these days. I drank alot of water and the first couple times I went to the bathroom it hurt. After the 3rd time, I could barely notice any pain.

At least go to the supplement store and get the cranberry pills...you have to make sure the infection is completely eliminated because they do come back with a vengence...