Fina question #4,891

I've seen a ton of threads a/b the "fat burning" effects of fina. For those that have used it, would you compare those effects to that of Winstrol? Better?
I would say neither burn fat. They can help you keep your gains lean but I do not know of any steroid that actually helps you lose weight.
Tren seems to burn fat right off of me, regardless of diet, I think there is something that it does in the body to do this, but I have no idea.
there was a thread the other day stating that the loss of fat was only aparent with low estrogen levels, so tren by itself or with some other non aromatizing compound would be best for a cutter, if you could deal with not having a dick for 8+ weeks.
There is no direct evidence that Tren burns fat. But here's why people ASSUME it does:
Example, say I'm 200lbs and 15% bodyfat (30lbs of fat). Now say I go on a cycle and gain 20lbs of pure muscle and no fat. Hell, say I gain 20 lbs of water, it won't matter. My bodyfat % has decreased to 13.6% (because my muscle has gone up) but I still have 30lbs of fat. THAT'S why people "think" they're gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time.
Dial_tone said:
There is no direct evidence that Tren burns fat. But here's why people ASSUME it does:
Example, say I'm 200lbs and 15% bodyfat (30lbs of fat). Now say I go on a cycle and gain 20lbs of pure muscle and no fat. Hell, say I gain 20 lbs of water, it won't matter. My bodyfat % has decreased to 13.6% (because my muscle has gone up) but I still have 30lbs of fat. THAT'S why people "think" they're gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time.

i dont have them myself, but have seen studies posted showing that there was a decrease in body fat, not just the percentage with tren and anavar. i hope someone here can post it.
tren burns fat and water off most who try it....hell the night sweats are hell.. and it raises your bodytemperature...i would rate it as a super anabolic injectable form of clen.
I don't think winstrol has any fat burning effect but from personal experience would say that I seem to lean out nicly while using tren.
Thanks for all the replies guys. Thinking about making some up myself. Been reading up on it, any insider tips for a fina making newbie?
I thought the theory was soemthing about tren's affect on pgf, for instance, when you inject pgf2, you get a metallic cough sensation, and we all know or have heard about the "tren cough"
Huck from elitefitness has a good theory of how fina burns fat.
My experience tells me fina burns fat, I could be wrong but I'll continue to do fina for that reason. Oh yeah, better than Winstrol (winny) for fat loss. Fina/winny is awesome.