fina/winny/clen/t3 cutting advice

Honestly, get your diet, supplementation and training in check before you really on the sauce. However, if you insist on it. Don't make your first cycle a cutter man.
bro's i appreciate and value all of your opinions, as the majority of you have waaaaayyyy more knowledge and experience than I do.

I really have no desire to "bulk up". Id look a fool at 5-4 if i took a dbol test deca and really bloated and bulked IMO. My goal is to shred, the beach muscle look and stay lean and light which = quick so i can box in a low weight class. The Winstrol (winny) will speed me up a bit, and the prop should keep me from getting " etheopean " , and hopefully the fina will let me use a psychological advantage for TREN RAGE.
"shakes head" man, you can cut on deca and test, hell even drol. Diet is going to be the kay, and cardio of course. The Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is nothing more than a aid to help you. Steroids do not burn fat, you need to realize that.
would it be pointless to stick in some EQ since im only running for 6 weeks:

Weeks 1 - 6 - Test prop @ 200mg EOD
Weeks 1 - 6 - Tren @ 75mg EOD
Weeks 1 - 6 - Winstrol (winny) @ 50mg EOD
Weeks 1 - 6 - Proviron @ 25-50mg ED....optional
Weeks 1 - 3 - Clenbuterol
Weeks 3 - 6 - t3