Finally got some lab results


New member

After receiving a 293 ng/dl trough level on once a week injections of Test E 100 mg and feeling bloated, I started injecting twice per week. I took Megatron's and Halfwit's advice and did the Female Hormone Panel through PrivateMDLabs to see what my estradiol levels were. The test was taken 2 days after my last injection of 50 mg. I was actually feeling pretty good this day as compared to others. Here are my results:

Testosterone, Serum...................... 618 ng/dl (scale 348 - 1197)

Estradiol ..................................... 36.9 pg/ml (scale 7.6 - 42.6)

Luteinizing Hormone (LH)................0.1 mIU/mL (scale 1.7 - 8.6) (Low)

FSH, Serum.................................. <0.2 mIU/ml (scale 1.5 - 12.4) (Low)

Good? Bad? Okay? Do I need an AI? Should I also do an e2 sensitive? Thank you so much for your input.
Looks good to me. What was your hematocrit? If you're pushing 49%, I'd go check into donating blood. At this point in time, I don't think you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as long as you feel good. Some of us are more sensitive to estrogen, so if you still feel bloated or tired - you could incorporate a very small dose of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to bring you closer to the 20's for E2. E2 sensitive would be more accurate, but I personally feel (in my non-doctor opinion) that serum is good enough to give a general picture of how things are going. ;)

My .02c :)
If you choose an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) you need to be very careful. I take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) since I have to worry about gyno issues. Lot of cycles done without an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), Pro hormones and certain pain meds haven't left me much room for error in the gyno dept. I brought my E to down high 20's and it crushed my libido. I still haven't recovered from that mistake. If you fell good since you are within range in regards to E I wouldn't mess it and just monitor it. Or the bare min of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose to drop it a tad.
Congrats Lawman! Your numbers look great. Glad to hear that you were feeling good too. Hopefully that continues.
Thanks Halfwit and HammerT1.

My hematocrit was 48.3% (scale 37.5 - 51.0). Does donating plasma count or does it need to be blood? If I did decide to do an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) taken at the minimum dose, does this have to be prescribed? I thought I remember reading that one poster purchased his online through Is this legit?
Thanks Halfwit and HammerT1.

My hematocrit was 48.3% (scale 37.5 - 51.0). Does donating plasma count or does it need to be blood? If I did decide to do an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) taken at the minimum dose, does this have to be prescribed? I thought I remember reading that one poster purchased his online through Is this legit?
Nope, plasma doesn't count. You need to donate whole blood. I also participate in apheresis, which reduces the blood cell count as mine constantly hovers around 600,000. (300k is normal. ;) ) We can't discuss how to obtain AI's that aren't prescribed. I'd talk to your doctor first about that, then head over to the AAS section if you still want to find alternative methods of procuring an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). (Sorry, those are the rules.)
PP is legit, or at least batch of adex I got is soley for my lab rats that is. But I get hit with a crazy charge immediately afterward. They swore it wasn't on their end and I have since heard of one other place very recently where someone had exact same charges start happening from exact same place. Think bogus charge was from GB which is listed as an overseas company and charges was for $39.99. That's one hell of a coeidnece someone else ordering peptides gets hit from anothe peptide restailer too for bogus charges. I been meaning to sick my buddy on that to do some fact digging but haven't gotten around to it. It looks like adex doesn't agree with me so I am waiting for some Aromisaon. I wasn't going to risk explaining that bogus charge happening again.
Yeah, get that hemocrit down. Just give whole blood and call it a day. I got lazy and and can't get it down now. My doc won't write a script so I can give more so I have to get sneaky about it. The hemocrit and lipid issue is messing up my summer plans big time.
If you try adex I would go with .25 twice a week. I was at .5 and I think it was too much. I accidentally took a third one week as I was starting my blast and it just crushed my E. Even skipping a dose and I still haven't gotten E back up. That's with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) too. I had to back off blast because doc wants more tests. Some docs prescribe AI's and the clinic I was at did as well. Always worth a shot taking to em first and said by others.
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After receiving a 293 ng/dl trough level on once a week injections of Test E 100 mg and feeling bloated, I started injecting twice per week. I took Megatron's and Halfwit's advice and did the Female Hormone Panel through PrivateMDLabs to see what my estradiol levels were. The test was taken 2 days after my last injection of 50 mg. I was actually feeling pretty good this day as compared to others. Here are my results:

Testosterone, Serum...................... 618 ng/dl (scale 348 - 1197)

Estradiol ..................................... 36.9 Good? Bad? Okay? Do I need an AI? Should I also do an e2 sensitive? Thank you so much for your input.

Thinking if I was you that I might not change much of anything....wouldn't take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at this time but I'd consider some DIM especially when you study what it's made from and I'd take some zinc balanced with copper....I probably wouldn't even donate blood, you may not need it and what is your ferritin level, might want to know that before you donate.

I'll PM you where you can get an AI....think you can receive a PM when you have 19 posts but can't reply to one until you have 50.

Keep good track of your present protocol because you might be doing good enough to say you are dialed in. Maybe some day you could try another 10 or 20 mg test per week, but you might just enjoy where you are at for awhile.