Finally ready to start my blast. How does it look?


New member
Havn't been to active lately my plant was in a outage for the last 2 months and have been working all kinds of crazy hours finally getting back to normal schedule and just in time for 3j to give me the nod with BF 12% last July I was like 35%.

Current stats:
45 yo
12%BF is what 3j guesses from pic
View attachment 560750
200 lbs

Diet will be 3j's plan for me.

Currently on TRT:

70mg of test c e3.5d, adex.5 mg e3.5d with a trough of 749 TT and regular e2 34 on last bloodwork and have never felt better.


I'd like to put on a little lean mass and add some strength these are my goals on this blast.

Here is the layout:

Week 1-14 Test E 250mg E3.5D

Week 1-14 HCG 250IU E3.5D day before test injections. ( I don't currently use it in my protocol but have it and thought I would try it out)

Week 1-12 Tren A 60mg ED ( I have ran tren before but it was Tren e)

ADEX: .5mg EOD

Clen: 60mcg 2xD

Keto: 1mg before bed

T3: 50mcg daily

NAC: 2400mg daily

I have prami and ralox on hand if needed.

All ancillaries are from RUI

Had bloodwork a few weeks back and all levels are good except the liver values were a little high. While working all those hours and switching from days to nights the last 2 months I was having sleep issues and combined a few things I shouldn't have and that was probably the cause for the slightly high values realized that after Halfwit and 3J helped me look into.

Not sure if I'm going to do a full log but will do before and after pics and stats when it's over.

Any and all opinions are welcomed.

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You think I should start at .25? Then adjust when I get blood work at 8 weeks?

During my dialing in of TRT I had a couple of lump under the nipple issues mybe I'm being to cautious, but those could have been caused by being at the higher BF.

What do you think?
You think I should start at .25? Then adjust when I get blood work at 8 weeks?

During my dialing in of TRT I had a couple of lump under the nipple issues mybe I'm being to cautious, but those could have been caused by being at the higher BF.

What do you think?

How much AI do you use on TRT now? How much AI did you use on your last cycle and what was your body fat % at the time?

As for gyno, if you are prone I recommend running Raloxifene at 30mg daily starting Day 1 as an insurance policy.
AI on trt is .5 e3.5d (will edit OP) knew I missed something

Last cycle was under the local gym guru about a year and a half ago and bf guessing upper 20's no bloodwork no PCT. Ater educating here I definitely believe this was a factor in why I'm on trt that and I'm 45.

I think I'm going to add the rolax I believe I'm gyno prone from my few issues on such small doses of trt.

Thanks for the input
AI on trt is .5 e3.5d (will edit OP) knew I missed something

Last cycle was under the local gym guru about a year and a half ago and bf guessing upper 20's no bloodwork no PCT. Ater educating here I definitely believe this was a factor in why I'm on trt that and I'm 45.

I think I'm going to add the rolax I believe I'm gyno prone from my few issues on such small doses of trt.

Thanks for the input

That is odd. 1mg of Adex a week on 140mg of test a week at 12% body fat? Considering that your TRT E2 is at 34 on the Regular Assay, I think you are taking too much adex on TRT. Therefore, I don't think it is likely that your will need 1.75mg/week on your cycle.

I would recommend cutting your AI dosage in half for TRT. As for the cycle, I would recommend starting at .25mg EOD and use Ralox as an insurance policy.
You actually look 12%. Unlike the people who join and claim 5% lol. 3J has you killing it man.
LOL thanks. He's got the plan for sure just takes alot of dedication on my part and being a pain in 3j's ass with emails and questions all the time.
Also to note have u ever considered leaving your hrt dose where it is and running tren at 60mg ed?
Found it works wonders for sides if u got any before with higher test
Lean mean gains bro, let tren hit those receptors :)
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Also to note have u ever considered leaving your hrt dose where it is and running tren at 60mg ed?
Found it works wonders for sides if u got any before with higher test
Lean mean gains bro, let tren hit those receptors :)

No I havn't but that sounds like a plan after this blast. I will have tren left over so after I get the dr ordered bloodwork which is wanted in 16 weeks which I plan on putting off 2 more weeks and making sure I transisioned to my proper trt t level with private bloodwork I'll probably cruise with adding the tren.

Looking AWESOME brother! Kill that shit! :D

Thanks halfwit :). I'm looking forward to see how using AAS with the right base start with and a properly planned cycle actually works.

None of this would have been possible without this forum and the its vast group of knowledgeable members guiding me along the way
No I havn't but that sounds like a plan after this blast. I will have tren left over so after I get the dr ordered bloodwork which is wanted in 16 weeks which I plan on putting off 2 more weeks and making sure I transisioned to my proper trt t level with private bloodwork I'll probably cruise with adding the tren.


If you have blood work due for your TRT doc in 16 or 18 weeks, I strongly recommend that you do not run a 14 weeks cycle.
If you have blood work due for your TRT doc in 16 or 18 weeks, I strongly recommend that you do not run a 14 weeks cycle.

I have an appoint to review the bloodwork I posted about. They drew the blood at the dr office and when they did he said to make an appoint to review when they got they got results and that in 4 months after that review he wants a full male panel to make sure the trt isn't throwing anything off. That being said 4 months is 16 weeks and I can keep putting it off saying do to work schedule.

How long do you recomend I run this blast based on that?
If you can easily put off the appointment you are fine. Just make sure you get private blood work before the appt. to make sure there aren't any surprises.