

Steelers = SuperBowl
The site will be going down in the next hour as we are switching to a completely dedicated server.

This will get rid of all the problems we have been experiencing lately.

The down time I have been told will be about 2 hours.

Thank goodness.
Hey, no problem. I honestly owe it to you guys to have a site you can get onto anytime you want. This last week has been the most frustrating week of my life as far as this site or the old site goes.

Also, the move to a dedicated server became an even greater issue in the last few days because our Online Supplement Store is on its way to becoming an operational entity.
Biggie - Glad to see you did the move, now I believe I made an offer days after you started cause I saw it coming but hey what does a dumb Geek like me know. LOL Glad I can log on again.
We'll have everything up to par by about tomorrow. The switch is pretty easy, getting all the hacks and features to work takes a little time.
Ok, everything should be back up and running perfectly.

Except of course the search feature which our old server fucked up when their system crashed this week or something like that. Floris is working on it though and for all of you who have seen floris's work, you know he'll get it fixed up soon.