finaplix pellets vs converted finaplix

mr fit

New member
I have a buddy who swears that when you convert finaplix pellets it takes away from its potency. How far off is he?
its somehwere around 97% which is close enough in my book. meaning you lose 3 % when brewiing.
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lmao that almost knocked me on the floor. God that was hilarious
I brewed a batch 23 days ago, my lifts are up, and i can see my lower abs for the 1st time in yrs. i"d def do it again. used fina-farm kit
I have a buddy who swears that when you convert finaplix pellets it takes away from its potency. How far off is he?

Its not that you loose potency bro, its that you loose the fina it self. A 1 kart (2 gram conversion) if you know what youre doing will give you aroung 1.8 gs out of the 2 gram kart. The cryatals them selves not loose potency.