New member
To start off this has already been thoroughly researched and discussed for a while so please no TROLLS just constructive criticism and good advise.
So many ppl add 50-100mg of Deca, EQ, or Mast to a 200mg Test E c***se. I know plenty of ppl that say adding 100mg of nandro is absolutely unbeatable. However nobody has ever thought of adding a micro dose of Tren. I'm 6'4 282lbs but I'm 25-30lbs over. I gained the fat after a serious injury and prior to that I was a cut 255. I started my first c***se of Test C 200mg/week to keep my T at 1200 all the time in order to maintain muscle while shedding weight. This has been very frustrating, even with a 500 cal deficit on WO days and 800 cal deficit on rest days [absolute lowest possible with needed protein intake] I was losing 5 gaining 3 ect...and I'm not going to give up a pound of hard earned muscle so I thought about how great Tren is at eating fat while building muscle. I started discussing adding Tren to my c***se and after lots of research and advise it turned into a full on experimental HRT c***se:
Total of 325 anabolics, well within range of what many ppl c***se on
Tren hex 100mg
Sustanon 100mg
EQ 75 mg
Deca 50mg
MK-677 30mg
Caber 0.1mg e2week [only for Tren not nandro]
Aromasin on hand but wont need
Now ADAM multi 1 cap ED
Now Omega 1 cap ED
Now liver detoxifier 1 caps ED
Now Garlic 1 cap ED
In case of crashed E2:
GMO Soy Milk/Soy Protein contains Xenoestrogens
Age 32
282 lbs
So I started to do a bunch of research on how each drug effects the male mechanisms and other than having a high dose of Tren in the mix they actually compliment each other. I could ramble on and on but mainly EQ helps with the lower MGs of Test and lower levels of DHT it also decreases aromatase's binding affinity to Test keeping more Free Test. Nandrolone at 50mg promotes healthy levels of progesterone [caber is only for Tren] and It attaches to the 5AR receptor which decreases the conversion to DHT, also increasing Free Test levels, but I have EQ at a good MG to do all the benefits of DHT without it lowering my Test.
When all is said and done, not only will the additional compounds have an increased muscle building effect but they will also have the side effect of keeping as much of the 100mgs of Test as Free Testosterone. The really big problem is that Tren lowers estro and EQ decreases aromitase conversion so I will have extreme low E2. However I found a scary but easy fix. GMO soy ******** contain massive amounts of Xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens are a group of diff molecular structured estrogens that for the most part do what natty human estro does.
So many ppl add 50-100mg of Deca, EQ, or Mast to a 200mg Test E c***se. I know plenty of ppl that say adding 100mg of nandro is absolutely unbeatable. However nobody has ever thought of adding a micro dose of Tren. I'm 6'4 282lbs but I'm 25-30lbs over. I gained the fat after a serious injury and prior to that I was a cut 255. I started my first c***se of Test C 200mg/week to keep my T at 1200 all the time in order to maintain muscle while shedding weight. This has been very frustrating, even with a 500 cal deficit on WO days and 800 cal deficit on rest days [absolute lowest possible with needed protein intake] I was losing 5 gaining 3 ect...and I'm not going to give up a pound of hard earned muscle so I thought about how great Tren is at eating fat while building muscle. I started discussing adding Tren to my c***se and after lots of research and advise it turned into a full on experimental HRT c***se:
Total of 325 anabolics, well within range of what many ppl c***se on
Tren hex 100mg
Sustanon 100mg
EQ 75 mg
Deca 50mg
MK-677 30mg
Caber 0.1mg e2week [only for Tren not nandro]
Aromasin on hand but wont need
Now ADAM multi 1 cap ED
Now Omega 1 cap ED
Now liver detoxifier 1 caps ED
Now Garlic 1 cap ED
In case of crashed E2:
GMO Soy Milk/Soy Protein contains Xenoestrogens
Age 32
282 lbs
So I started to do a bunch of research on how each drug effects the male mechanisms and other than having a high dose of Tren in the mix they actually compliment each other. I could ramble on and on but mainly EQ helps with the lower MGs of Test and lower levels of DHT it also decreases aromatase's binding affinity to Test keeping more Free Test. Nandrolone at 50mg promotes healthy levels of progesterone [caber is only for Tren] and It attaches to the 5AR receptor which decreases the conversion to DHT, also increasing Free Test levels, but I have EQ at a good MG to do all the benefits of DHT without it lowering my Test.
When all is said and done, not only will the additional compounds have an increased muscle building effect but they will also have the side effect of keeping as much of the 100mgs of Test as Free Testosterone. The really big problem is that Tren lowers estro and EQ decreases aromitase conversion so I will have extreme low E2. However I found a scary but easy fix. GMO soy ******** contain massive amounts of Xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens are a group of diff molecular structured estrogens that for the most part do what natty human estro does.